Freshmen Bio Sci winter quarter scheldule

<p>Does this winter quarter schedule looks strenuous? Seems to me it may work if I stay in my own world. Will this be too much? Taken into consideration of friends hangout, have 1 club audition (I wont say what, but if I make it, I have to be committed), and plan on work-study for winter.
Writing 39B
Math 2B
Chem 1B
Chem 1B Lab
Bio 94</p>

<p>I pass Math 2A with my AP Calc AB but I really cant wait for spring quarter. I'm worried I'll forget the materials I learned from Calc AB. </p>

<p>Thank you.</p>

<p>assuming you can keep up with the quarter system, you’ll be fine.</p>

<p>For me personally since I am not the greatest in math or chem, that schedule would be hell. If you’re strong in all or most of those subjects you’ll do fine (if you stay in your own world like you said). You’ll probably have to make a lot of sacrifices to make more time to study. Each subject pretty much consumes a lot of time. You’ll be busy with reading, working problems, writing papers, writing lab write ups, the whole shabang.</p>

<p>How is the lab? Time-consuming with the work and all?</p>

<p>lab is pretty time consuming. more work than lecture imho. especially gchem lab, half the time you will have no idea what is going on.</p>

<p>^ agreed. Lots of work put into the pre-lab and post-lab write-ups. We always found ourselves thinking why lab wasn’t worth more units than lecture. You have to do stuff on a program called Spartan, too, and that crap takes forever to get right (also tends to freeze up, or crash). Gchem lab asked for so much more than it should have…the questions you have to answer are insane. In Ochem the questions asked actually make sense and can be found through reading the lab book, whereas in Gchem you had no idea how to answer the questions.</p>

<p>Thanks guys, I guess I’ll lay off Math 2B until Spring. Hopefully, I can find a Job, that I can use for HW time.</p>

<p>Anthro 2A with douglas. Should I risk it?</p>

<p>Anthro with Douglas is notoriously known one of the easiest classes at UCI (if not, the easiest). Do it if you can get in.</p>

<p>Is there a lot of reading from Douglas, I’ve heard a few who had anthro right now, are always busy with anthro reading</p>

<p>There is moderate reading… about case studies of different cultures. I am not kidding, over 90% of the class gets an A (with a class size of >150 or 200 kids). The reading isn’t necessary to get an A if you go to discussions since they tell you the main concepts of the reading. And discussion attendance = points, and you have to write one easy paper.</p>

<p>The class size is 444 for the winter quarter, does anyone know how fast the class gets filled up?
My reg. date is set for Dec. 4th, the last day… -_-</p>

<p>It’ll get filled FAST. It’s open to seniors and juniors too, and registration starts tomorrow. But most of us have already taken it, so you may be in luck. I got in when I was a Freshman, if not, I believe there is another offered in Spring.</p>

<p>Math 2B is just integrals, class is easy peasy.</p>

<p>9a with trend is extremely easy too and he’s a fun teacher. too bad that was this fall quarter!</p>

<p>Already 115 enrolled in Douglas, and its been only 2 days since enrollment window has opened for students.</p>