Freshmen Completing Online Courses before start in Fall?

We have been searching UA Online, and it appears there are a good number of courses available through the online UA program that could be used for fulfilling GenEd requirements. Does anyone have experience in using UA Online, and do the credits immediately transfer into UA Tuscaloosa without an issue? Is there any trick to doing this? We are talking typical entry level courses that you might need to take that are outside your major. (ie: Computer Science for Foreign Language Requirement, Psychology first level, etc.) Any advice would be appreciated.

I would suggest looking it’s UA Early College. That’s the program I used and its a really great way to start college level classes.

bamagirl18, Did you do UA Early College the summer prior to your Freshman year? I wasn’t aware you could do it then…that would be helpful.

Yes I did do early college the summer before freshman year. I moved in for July and just stayed until fall classes started. It was totally worth it.

Yes, UA Early College is your best bet. I’d recommend sitting for the foreign language CLEP test. Check your major requirements before taking Computer Science and foreign language beccsuse some are either or. Also realize that some online UAEC classes require proctored tests. You can snag a scholarship with good stats and only pay in state tuition rates. Check ASAP about registering now for the required Gsteway class. There are both online and on campus summer options. Online courses vary from full semester to minimester classes.

Thanks everyone, this was very helpful. We’ll look at CLEP and Early College as options. We are just looking to free up her schedule a little for the first two semesters.

The registration deadline is Friday for Gateway.

It’s also possible to take courses at another college/university and transfer them to UA. One might save some money and get to experience another school if on campus. Online classes tend to be very similar, so unless one really wants to bump up their total UA credit hours, there’s no extreme need to pay a lot extra to take said online courses through UA.

UA allows incoming freshmen to take classes at other institutions the summer before their freshman year and still keep their scholarships.

Some benefits of taking the courses through UAEC are earning UA hours and establishing a UA gpa, especially if granted a scholarship for the OOS portion of tuition based on stats. A downside of taking classes elsewhere is that the grade transfers according to the host institution’s grading policy. If the host doesn’t offer the plus/minus scale the grade will not transfer as a plus regardless of the numerical grade. That’s just something to consider.