UA Early College: HS students apply NOW!

<p>Two of our daughters, both UA Early College Ambassadors, asked me to post this information for parents and students who may be interested in UA Early College. As Ambassadors, they are happy to continue to share their experiences as they recruit new students again this year. Sometimes they have a bit of competition, so they’d love for you to mention you heard about UA Early College from them.:)</p>

<p>As a parent, I can tell you our children have enjoyed amazing opportunities through this program while earning college credit. I highly recommend the UA Early College experience to high school students who are organized and up for the challenge of taking online classes beginning in the spring of their sophomore year all the way through the summer following their senior year, or experiencing campus first hand with a summer on campus during their following their junior and senior years. Please send them a private message through my account if you would like more information regarding UA Early College. Roll Tide!</p>

<p>Here are some highlights from a recent press release by UA Early College:</p>

<pre><code>High school students can earn up to a full year of college credit through UA Early College while remaining in high school.

“UA Early College is designed to accommodate high school students’ busy schedules. Our online classes are available 24 hours a day/7 days a week, so students have the flexibility to study and complete college work ahead of deadlines,” said Dr. Cheree Causey, director of UA Early College. “Students from Alabama to Ohio, California to Vermont, are part of a global classroom, participating together in discussions, chat, and group projects.”

<p>In its fourth year, UA Early College has over 1,000 students with a 3.5 cumulative GPA in their University of Alabama courses. UA Early College students choose when they take courses – every term, during the summer, or in selected terms as their high school schedule allows. A number of students participated in the UA Early College Summer Residential Experience this year, living on campus, making new friends, and earning 6 credit hours.</p>

<p>Early College credits transfer broadly to most colleges and universities across the nation. Students who complete 17+ UA Early College credit hours with a 2.5+ grade point average are eligible for admission to The University of Alabama without submitting an ACT score and receive priority assignment for Housing. UA Early College students also benefit from a partial tuition scholarship that reduces the cost of tuition. </p>

<pre><code>“This is an excellent program for motivated high school students who are prepared to take college-level courses,” Causey said. “Peer coaches and other support networks are in place to help the student transition to college-level study. We accept students throughout the year – spring, summer, and fall.”

To enroll in UA Early College, students must have a grade point average of 3.0 or higher, and a transcript sent by a counselor, principal or home school agent.

<p>High school students may apply to UA Early College anytime from the fall of their sophomore year through the summer following their high school graduation. For more information on UA Early College, including application deadlines, tuition and scholarships, visit [University</a> of Alabama UA Early College](<a href=“”> or call 1-877-823-8759.</p>

<p>Highly recommend Early College!!! My D went this past summer to the on campus experience for EC. She enjoyed it greatly as did we. D finished with a 4.0. They really take care of them.</p>

<p>TxNCM - what classes did your D take this summer, and did she participate in HS, or just go straight to UA this summer?</p>

<p>D took Medical Ethics and Human Development. We did not know about EC till early this past spring. I wish I had! D2 will be taking courses thru EC as her schedule allows. Probably online in the Spring semesters and on campus for Summer II. Hope to get her going in EC her jr year. The price is very reasonable! They are generous with OOS scholarships for summer on campus.</p>

<p>“D finished with a 4.0. They really take care of them.”</p>

<p>Thanks, TXMom, for pointing that out. It is important to be sure your student understands that these grades will be a part of their academic transcript as they begin their undergraduate experience, so it does require a commitment to do well. Our girls appreciated the opportunity to earn college credit and establish a stellar UA GPA before their freshman year. This is something to consider before enrolling and while completing the Gateway class.:)</p>

<p>Scholarships are awarded to OOS students who meet the established criteria and enroll in online or on campus classes. Basically, it allows the student to pay instate costs. It really helps.</p>

<p>Bamagirls, that is what I point out to people I tell about EC. Their transcript will say “University of Alabama”. No where on it will say “Early College” or high school
student, etc. this is not like dual enrollment for high school. This IS part of your college GPA. The credits transfer to other schools even if they decide not to attend UA.</p>

<p>My DD did Early College as well, but did not do the summer sessions on campus. She did online classes the summer between junior and senior year, and then an online class during the spring semester of her senior year. It is a great program, and I highly encourage you to look into it.</p>

<p>Is it correct that the Gateway class counts as two hours college credit?</p>

<p>Yes, You come to campus for a saturday to kick it off, and then the class takes a month. It is a pass/fail class so no grade, but you do get 2 hours credit.</p>

<p>Thanks, D (HS senior) has already completed Gateway class and is starting journalism on-line class this fall. Hasn’t decided yet if she’ll attend UA next fall but will be nice to have at least five hours of college credit if she decides to stay in the Midwest next year.</p>

<p>D did her Gateway online in May/June. She let her professor know she would not have Internet access for a week while at church camp. They let her make it up the next week no problem.</p>

<p>I have a HS sophomore. He’s a great student. 4.3wGPA in all honors classes. Taking his first AP this year. He is also a varsity hockey and lacrosse player. I told him about the early school and he seems interested. Given his very busy schedule and load, would it be a good idea to take the intro course in the spring so he can take a regular course in the summer OR should he wait and only take courses over the summer? Thanks!</p>

<p>Sending you a PM, Bigdaddy.</p>

<p>I’m on it, RTRMom2. :)</p>