Freshmen Review Applicants

<p>I applied to TAMU on October 19 as a review applicant and haven't heard back yet. I made this thread so other review applicants could post their stats and dates of application and acceptance, and we could all compare and sort of get an educated guess as to if we will be accepted.</p>

<p>I, -Applied on october 19
-Had an ACT score of 30 (low math, high english and writing scores)
-Weighted GPA of 98.7 (our schools too competitive for 4.0 scale)
-Ranked 57 of 319 (Top 18%)
-National Honor Society
-3 years of being in plays, 2012 One Act State championship
-3 years of debate
-Class President
-Homecoming Court, King nominee
-Business Professionals of America
-A summer job
-Decent community service</p>

<p>Thank you to any other review applicants who post their info!</p>

<p>Applied November 1st as an International Freshmen student for Petroleum Engineering from an American International School in Asia. </p>

<p>SAT composite score 1300 ( 700 Math and 600 Critical Reading)
SAT combined score 1950 with 650 writing ( My School’s Average is 1730)
I am doing the IB so am predicted around 35-37 out of 45
There is no class rank for my school because we have less than 55 students and only around 40 are doing the IB
My career gpa is around 2.8/4.0 nonweighted and my school doesn’t weight (B- average in tough rigorous courses) </p>

<li>Varsity Soccer</li>
<li>Model United Nations</li>
<li>President of the Broadcasting Club</li>
<li>Elected into Athletics Council </li>
<li>Founded a softball team to play in a league. ( We don’t do baseball over here unfortunately) </li>
<li>Over 300 hours of Community work since I happen to be living in a third world country because of my dad’s expat job. I really enjoy doing Community Service. </li>
<li>3 week internship for an NGO </li>
<li>Been on many trips with my classmates including flying thousands of miles to live in a Cambodian village for a week.
My essays will hopefully be great along with really good Teacher Recommendations. </li>

<p>TEXAS A and M is my first choice and I really want to get into this school. I think it would fit me well.</p>

<p>I submitted my ApplyTexas application two days ago and have yet to receive an email from them. Anyone else having this issue? I just want to make sure they got all other supporting documents (transcripts, test scores, etc.)</p>

<p>The reason that you have not received and email from them is that they are processing your application. It will take a few days.</p>

<p>I’m a review applicant as well and I have not heard anything. My application was completed October 25th :)</p>

<p>I applied October 8th for the Engineering school still haven’t heard anything.
Rank 56 out of 516
GPA 3.4 out of 4.0 scale
Low test scores ACT english 23 ACT math 25</p>

<p>Submitted application 3:45am on August 1/processed August 6 and still under review.
1st degree choice Mays Business School
Composite SAT 1980(710 rdng/640 math)
Non-ranking school/placed in 2nd quarter w/92 GPA(100pt scale)</p>

<p>Realized typo in posting above. Should have read Total SAT 1980/ Composite score is 1350 (710 rdng/640 math)</p>

<p>Does TAMU release the review admits with the academic ones or it waits for the academic spots to fill up. I am a review admit and all my materials were processed by 29th Oct. When should I expect to hear back ?</p>

<p>TAMU probably waits for the academic spots to fill up. Then, they move on to Review students. We will find out by the end of March if we get in or not. </p>

<p>"Students who do not qualify for automatic admission receive a holistic review of all of their admissions credentials. This process takes into consideration all academic and personal achievements. Academic achievements include students’ class rank and SAT and/or ACT scores (with the writing component). Personal achievements include students’ involvement in extracurricular activities, community service, employment and summer activities as well as any talents, awards and honors. Texas A&M utilizes this information which is found on the application and the essays as part of the holistic review process. Applicants who are high achieving in both areas are most competitive for an admission offer to Texas A&M.</p>

<p>As an applicant who is going through the holistic review process, what is the likelihood that I will get admitted to Texas A&M?
Thirty six percent of review applicants received some form of admission to Texas A&M. There are several different admission options including…"</p>

<p>AROUND 1 IN 3 CHANCE that we will get in. In addition, not all of the 36 percent people that get in will go to A and M directly. I am really nervous because my SAT scores are at the automatic acceptance but I think my grades are somewhere in the second quarter… </p>


<p>I applied mid August, when admissions opened
Top 15% of class
SAT 1280 (Mth + CR) 1880 Total
I have about 50 service hours (unfortunately not very many)
Involved in NHS, HOSA, ABS, Tennis, StuCo, and I’m a student tutor
I’m a nanny year round, I work about 15 hours a week
I sent in all three essays and one letter of recommendation.</p>

<p>I am trying to get into mays</p>

<p>I applied this past saturday (16 of Nov)
SAT 1330 combined, 2000 total ( 620 M, 710 CR, 670 W)
30 ACT
GPA: 3.47 (weighted)
ranked 281/692 ( really competitive school augh)
200+ hours of community service

  • 2 years of Italian NHS
  • 2 years of Slavic NHS
  • 3 Italian Club
    -general assembly (student gov)
    i’m applying to Dwight: mechanical and civil
    can anyone tell me when they will send out the uin id? im freaking out because i dont know if i’ll make the deadline for everything, i’ve sent it all, they just havent processed anything</p>

<p>Do not worry too much. I had a friend who applied to UT Austin and his application came out accepted like a few months later. However, he wanted to apply as engineering and got accepted as a natural science (physics) major. I think he changed back to engineering after 1-2 years in the university. He could still be doing physics. Not sure.</p>

<p>I am a review admit who has been accepted. I was accepted into the college of Education as a review admit on November 20th. </p>

<p>3.56 GPA 2nd quartile rank by A&M admissions
ACT score: 31 (34 English, 28 Math, 33 English, 27 Science)
Good extracurriculars with a lot of leadership
Good essays
Applied September 1st, they received all my info October 5th, and accepted November 20th </p>

<p>I thought there was no way I was going to hear back from them this early, but I did. I talked to my college counselor at school and told him of my acceptance so early and he replied “that it’s really a crapshoot when you hear back if your a review admit”. However it seems like the early you apply the earlier you will hear back. The myth that they admit all the auto’s first then look at the review is false, as proof by my acceptance. It’s just probably more likely a review admit would hear later. I just thought I would share this here to give you guys some hope, I can it’s an incredibly anxious waiting process, but trust me when you get that letter and spread in the mail it’s so worth it. Hang in there Aggies it’s going to work out.
Good luck and gig Em</p>

<p>Those of you guys who applied in the October-November range I would say it would more probable to here back from them in the February-March range, so don’t sweat it out to much right now. Leave your worrying for later.</p>

<p>Jmlic, I believe you are an automatic. This is from the website:</p>

<p>Academic Admits</p>

<p>Applicants qualify for automatic academic admission (but not necessarily to the major of choice), if they successfully complete the minimum required coursework and:</p>

<p>rank in the top quarter of their graduating class;
achieve a combined SAT Math and SAT Critical Reading score of at least 1300 with a test score of at least 600 in each of these components; or achieve a composite ACT score of at least 30 with a test score of at least 27 in ACT Math and ACT English (students must take the writing component of the SAT and/or ACT in order for the test score to be considered);
meet the State of Texas Uniform Admission Policy; and
ensure all required credentials are received by the freshman closing date.</p>

<p>^ He is not an academic admit since he is in the second quartile.</p>

<p>Thanks Kldat1. I didn’t realize he was not in the top 25%.</p>

<p>I tried to find out more information and I believe that they do admit review students before the December deadline.</p>

<p>This is from 2012, but maybe it is still accurate:</p>

<p>Aggieland Psc 46 months ago</p>

<p>“Howdy Marie, Deisy, Matthew, Sandra, Peter, Maggie, Jen, and Megan!
We’re so glad to hear that you all are interested in Texas A&M! To answer the initial question about admissions decisions: these decisions are made throughout the application season on a rolling basis. To clear up any confusion, Texas A&M does not wait for all automatic decisions before they make holistic review decisions. All types of decisions are made throughout the process.”</p>

<p>[Acceptance</a> Letter - Texas A&M University](<a href=“]Acceptance”></p>

<p>Hey, I havent received the number for the netID thing. Do you guys know how long it usually takes?</p>