Freshmen wanting to room with upper classmen friend- is it possible?

Hello, sorry if I went about posting this the wrong way but its my first time on this sight! Anyway, onto the question.

I’ll be attending Binghamton this fall and I have two friends who already go there. They’ll be juniors next year and their current housing plan is to live in a suite with four singles. One of my friends and I were talking about it and we would like to room together if possible. Does anyone know if itll be possible to contact residential life and see if we can double up in a single? They are rooming in an area that isnt normal for freshmen to be placed but I was thinking it may be possible since the room is usually meant as a single anyway, so I wouldn’t be taking up a potential space. I’m the same age as them, don’t know if that makes a difference.

Sorry about the vagueness of this question, I’ll probably contact residential life either way, but I figured I’d come here first and see what my chances of success were. Thanks in advance!