from deep springs to yale

<p>Does anyone know if Yale has ever accepted any Deep Springs College graduates?
Or do you think they would in the near future?
I really love Yale but I might want to go to Deep Springs, so do you think I could do that?
Thanks in advance...</p>

<p>Deep Springs-ers are typically really successful with transferring. According to Deep Springs, 7% of its alums end up at Yale. (And 16% at Harvard, 13% UChicago, 7% Brown...)</p>

<p><a href=""&gt;;/a&gt;&lt;/p>

Do you think it would be better to go to deep springs first and then Yale- or just go to Yale for all four ears. But this is all hypothetical...I'm not expecting to get into Deep Springs or anything, but I will apply there...</p>



Do you think it would be better to go to deep springs first and then Yale- or just go to Yale for all four ears. But this is all hypothetical...I'm not expecting to get into Deep Springs or anything, but I will apply there...


<p>Going to Deep Springs would be a unique experience, and the school claims that 9 out of 10 of its grads get into the four-year school of their choice. Personally, I think if you go to DS and do well, you'll get into Yale or anywhere else you want to go.</p>

<p>So, if I were you, I'd make the decision based on what you want out of those first two years. Do you want hard, physical labor in the middle of nowhere with class sizes of four guys and very few class options? That would appeal to me, but would hardly appeal to everyone.</p>

<p>Deep Springs .. just .. wow.</p>

<p>I'm sorry, but what appeal do you see in NOT BEING ALLOWED to leave the desert for four years?</p>

<p>That sounds like slavery to me.</p>


<p>It's two years. It's mostly free. And many people (I am one of them) really enjoy hard, physical labor. It's an experience like no other, perhaps somewhat comparable to what a monastery might bring.</p>

<p>It's not for everyone, but for those who would enjoy it, it should be quite wonderful.</p>

Deep Springs .. just .. wow.


A good many students find it interesting, actually. For example, I remember one poster wanted to find an</a> equivalent for females.</p>

Deep Springs .. just .. wow.</p>

<p>I'm sorry, but what appeal do you see in NOT BEING ALLOWED to leave the desert for four years?</p>

<p>That sounds like slavery to me.


Well, obviously, female girl from a city wouldn't find Deep Springs attractive...</p>

<p>I wish there was a female equivalent to Deep Springs too :( I would totally apply and go there.</p>

<p>I wrote that in my Cornell Telluride House application, so maybe they'll take that suggestion to heart :)</p>

<p>Nah... don't apply, leave that crazy school for wackos like me...</p>


<p>Seriously though, I am applying and think it would probably be the greatest experience ever to go to Deep Springs. I would gladly enslave myself in the middle of the desert for 2 years... and in return receive one of the best educations around, experience controlling every aspect of my life, get pretty buff and learn something that many college grads lack... the ability to take care of themselves and become a man.</p>

<p>Haha, good luck for us getting in rockthwer22!</p>

<p>Ok, thanks, I was just curious about what you guys saw in the program that made it attractive.</p>


<p>I think one of the big attractions is what I think they call the "boneyard." That's where all the guys throw their dirty clothes after a hard days work. The next day, you just go to the boneyard and find something that fits, and go to work.</p>

<p>I think it's kind of a guy thing.</p>

<p>That's disgusting. And I'm a guy.</p>

<p>LOL!! Yeah. But it's so disgusting, it has a certain charm.</p>