From missouri want to go to cal

<p>so i posted in the what are my chances but this seems to be a better place</p>

<p>here is a quick rundown on me
white male
average public highschool
rank:1/threehundred somthing
sat:1350 (ouch)(590b760m)
sat2:m2c680 writing580 english lit-no comment (but im taking m2c writing and physics in december they still hurt though)
act:28(ouch again)but 34 in math just im bad in english(taking in december)
ap classes: calc,stat,physics,us goverment, literature
gpa:4.0 unweighted 5.0 weighted
other stuff:
grand prize winner of regional science fair
went to intel internation science fair
prez of boys service club
founding member of political club “sons and daughters of liberty”
two year public relation officer of sons and daughters
founding member of lacrosse team
competive gymnast for 12 years
3 time first team academic all american
big brothers big sisters toutor
choir 4 years leadership position senior year</p>

<p>i know the test scores hurt but what do you think</p>

<p>anyone? noone?</p>

<p>Out of staters get totally screwed from what I've heard. I'd say your chances are loww....</p>

<p>it is tough for out of state, but your stats look good; it will depend on essays, which Berkeley does read</p>

<p>it's very tough for out of state, you usually need like 1450+ Sat i and 730+ sat ii to get in, but you have great ECs, and if your essays are great, i think you'll be able to get in.</p>

<p>problem is my sat2s suck ass so im screwed on that</p>

<p>sat2s matter more than the sat</p>

<p>i'd say u have a slimly fair chance for engineering</p>

<p>basically what everyone is saying is: dont bother. the uc system doesnt like out of state students.</p>

<p>rank is good but ur SAT scores arent at its prime. id say rejected 90%.</p>

<p>Man, too bad the UC's didn't like grant faster California citizenship for those who move here wanting to go to a UC. Who knows... do they?</p>

<p>Don't people who are the first family member attending college get in easier?</p>