From your experience are rejections sent out before or after acceptances?

<p>I was talking to a friend of mine who is also in the audition process and she told me rejections tend to be sent out before or at least faster than the acceptances. I just want to know if this is true or something she was just saying just to say.</p>

<p>That seems to be the case with some schools, at least if they know for sure they aren’t interested in a student. I think if you don’t hear right away, in some cases it could mean they are still considering you.</p>

<p>Just like everything else in this process, it depends on the school! Some will cut in the audition itself (Penn State lets the “nos” know before they leave for the day). Some will send out the definite rejections early, so you can know you aren’t a match for that school and move on. Some will update your status with a hold (CCM among others) or deferral (UMich, maybe others). If you audition early in the season, sometimes a school will let you know if you’re still in contention, but not final admission status for a while. Some schools won’t tell you ANYTHING either pro or con until the end of the audition tour, when they’ve seen everyone.</p>

<p>Then there’s the academic versus artistic acceptances. Again, no standard answer – many schools will complete an academic admission status on a rolling basis, or by a certain date, but you need to wait for an artistic decision. Occasionally a student has heard of an artistic admission, but academic is still pending. Finally, there are several schools (again CCM, UMich, some others) that are “all or nothing” admits – if you don’t get in artistically, you don’t get into the university (unless you also applied in a non-MT field). </p>

<p>Lots of time no news is good news…but it also can mean that the school just hasn’t made up its mind yet, had the faculty meeting to make decisions yet, gotten the mail out yet… Check the websites of each individual school where you auditioned for guidelines on when to expect to hear. Also check handouts you received at the audition itself – lots of good information can be found there. Finally, if you just auditioned at Unifieds or otherwise within the past few weeks, realize this is an incredibly busy time for the schools, from a data-processing of application mode to just getting together to finalize things (there’s a lot that goes into an admissions decision). I know it’s hard to wait, but hang in there!</p>