Called Frost, and was told Admission decisions for Undergrad will be released tomorrow. Good luck everybody!!

Thank you for calling. This waiting is excruciating! Good luck to all!

Congrats all of you!!! :slight_smile:

Hopefully we will all see each other at a Frost recital!

Ahhh I’m so scared. I tried doing the financial aid thing and it just said “inquiry access denied”. I literally can’t wait until tomorrow eeeek.

Frost undergrad admissions and Frost SOM have posted on FB that decisions are being released today.
Guess today is really the day!

Any idea if the decisions will be released on the CaneLink? Or will it be released through the mail? So excited!

I believe it will be CaneLink. You should get an email telling you it’s there.

So excited! I’ve been sitting by my computer waiting for the email to come through. Waiting is so nerve-wracking!

Admitted Fall 2016!!!

Did not receive email yet. Just logged on to check and it is there.

Good luck everyone!

Same here! Son was admitted for fall 2016, jazz piano! So happy!!! Congrats, @dbandmom !

Still haven’t heard anything. Any idea the latest they’ll notify us?

Yes!!! My son was accepted for Music Engineering Technology! Decision letter was posted under COMMUNICATION
congrats to all who were accepted!!!

@Lovethesun , congratulations!!!

Congratulations everyone! I was just accepted for music education. Now all we need is the financial aid package, any idea of when that will be headed our way?

Congratulations, @violin01 ! Did you check the FA on canelink? My son’s was already there, although I imagine it depends on when all the forms were submitted.

Thanks! Still haven’t gotten Financial Aid yet. Are scholarships listed as well? It says I’m not able to view this information.