Full Tuition or Full Ride Scholarships Similar to Alabama?

After researching and looking at many colleges’ sites and sites like these, the highest ranked college I have been able to find that offers full tuition scholarships based on only GPA and ACT/SAT scores is the University of Alabama. Is there any other university out there that provides full tuition or full-ride scholarships and is better than Alabama or somewhat in the same tier?

Not really, try Temple. The forum has compiled a list and if you have already gone for that then consider applying to the ones with competitive awards. See the pinned threads at the top of the forum.

Yeah I went through the compiled list and I was only looking at automatic qualifier-type scholarships. Temple is one I found on that compiled list earlier and it’s the closest thing to Alabama I found. LSU was there at one point but it seems to be taken off the list.

University of Kentucky has auto merit scholarships as well as higher level competitive scholarships.


Thank you for the Kentucky suggestion. That’s one I was not aware of.


Do you have a shot at National Merit recognition?

Is there any other university out there that provides full tuition or full-ride scholarships and is better than Alabama or somewhat in the same tier?



Alabama #96

LSU #129

Kentucky #129

What are your stats?

What do you need your net costs to be?

How much will your family pay each year?

What is your major? If you major in Eng’g or Comp Sci, then Alabama would give an add’l $2500 per year to those who qualify for the Presidential or UA Scholar awards. Also, if you only qualify for the UA Scholar award, then the Col of Eng’g will boost your award to full tuition as well.

What is it you’re looking for? Alabama and Temple are nice to put side by side because they’re soooooo different. Temple is urban while 'Bama is more traditional with a lovely campus. Seems most kids would be more drawn to one or the other.

Are you a boy? The reason I’m asking is that quite a few of the private colleges are short on boys, so a boy with 3.75+/32+ will be in contention for the competitive full tuition scholarships at a lot of them even if his EC’s aren’t great. There are schools that fit that bill all around the country - in these parts it would be schools like St. Joe’s, LaSalle, and Providence, but I’m sure there are some wherever you live too.

If you have a few schools with guaranteed full tuition I don’t see a problem applying to some with competitive merit as well.

@halfemptypockets Yes I am a boy and that’s a good point. I did not really delve into gender breakdowns playing into scholarships. I will definitely look into that further.

My statistics are like this so far (in case you guys have scholarship suggestions specific to certain criteria like Alabama’s 3.5+ GPA with 32+ ACT entitling you to a full tuition scholarship):

  • 3.69 Unweighted GPA
  • 4.03 Weighted GPA
  • I attend an IB School (My high school was named as a Top 100 High School in the nation by the Washington Post in 2013, even though I don't think colleges care too heavily about that)
  • I am a part of 4 legitimate extra-curricular clubs at this point in the school year will probably join more.
  • My ACT score after the first time is 30. I know I will get it up to a 32 within my second or third try.

@mommdc Oh I definitely will be doing that as well. I just wanted to put together a list of schools where I would be a lock for a scholarship pending acceptance so I won’t be missing out on any non-competitive opportunities due to the lack of knowing about a particular school or scholarship.

This is true for next year (students entering Fall 2016), but I think the “boost” goes away after that.

@beth’s mom, my understanding is that the UA “boost” of $2500 Engineering Leadership scholarship remains. It is the President Cabinet Scholarship that adds extra boost to bring the general UA 2/3 scholarship tution for SAT 1330-1390 up to value of full tuition only for the Engineering College.

What is your major?

@jt1216 Are you a junior or senior?

@mom2collegekids I’m a junior. I will be majoring in Mechanical Engineering.

I will throw a school out there for you to check out. UAH (University of Alabama in Huntsville). It is much smaller than Alabama. Located in major city if that appeals to you. They are known for the engineering programs and you would already qualify for free out of state tuition.

Truman State is academically excellent and has clear criteria for their scholarships but I don’t know whether they offer MechE.

It doesn’t look like they have any engineering. http://www.truman.edu/majors-programs/majors-minors/