Furman University Early Decision/Action for Fall 2023 Admission

I received one as well. I did not apply to a music major either.


Where can I check if a college has downloaded my transcript a second time?

Common app

Where on the common app? Sorry for taking up your time!

I don’t really know but he’s said in the past it’s on the checklist for that school.

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Okay, thank you.

Son double checked…he got music audition message on portal, but not email.

I received an email to attend an in-person event for it. It could be the same thing, though. :slight_smile: Best of luck to your son!

Yes, that’s what it is. Or you can submit a recording.

He says it wasn’t on the portal last week.

My son’s portal has that message about music auditions, too. I doubt he got an email as he doesn’t have any musical on his app at all (took guitar for 3 years in middle school, but that’s it).

As for downloading of transcripts, I think a school only would do that if the term/semester just finished & they are grabbing the most recent thing. His portal has his transcript dowloaded the day after his trimester term ended in Nov. so there is no “newer” transcript than the one they’ve got.

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What’s funny about my son’s journey with Furman is that he’d never even heard of them until they bombarded him with literature in the mail during the late summer and fall. Being from SC, and knowing others that attended FU, we knew it was a good school. When our son did his applications, he had only really “heard” about Clemson, USC, UNC, etc…he had never heard of Wofford either…lol. He only applied to the schools that were sending him stuff, which including all of the above and more. We knew how rigorous Furman’s reputation was, but we figured he’d just pick one of the “big name” schools for his undergrad…he plans on Neuroscience BS and then Medical School and Neuro-surgery if he’s able to push through it.

Point is, one visit to Furman and he was hooked…on a school he knew nothing about. My wife and I love Furman also, but we figured it was just gonna be another college tour for him, and he’d say it wasn’t what he wanted. He even bought a Furman shirt during the visit, which happened at no other school.

He doesn’t have a perfect SAT (1300), nor a perfect 4.0 GPA (3.85 UW/4.8W), but he gets it done with little effort, even while practicing soccer 15-20 hours a week, with club soccer and high school games, AND has a social life.

I’ve been wondering…how do these Universities find out which students may be a fit for their school? He never submitted SAT scores to any schools when he took it. Honestly, had Furman not sent him a bunch of literature, we probably wouldn’t have even had them on our radar.

Gonna be a tense week for us…our son is keeping cool about it, but I can tell it’s bothering him.

He sounds like a great candidate and I think he has every reason to be optimistic! His stats are higher than my daughter’s. Furman is a lovely place.

We’re in a lower income school, with only 3 options for AP classes. Most everything is “Pre-AP” designated, and he crushed it all without a whimper. He had to take a couple of college courses to add to his “resume’”, and made A’s in those. Not downplaying the teachers here by any means, as they teach what the majority can “absorb”, but he easily processes information, and is bored if he’s not learning. If we thought he’d struggle at Furman, we’d never consider it as an option because of the price. It will stretch us to the limit, but we know how scarily easy it is for him to take in information, and genuinely enjoy doing it. That was part of his Furman decision…he wanted to be pushed, and be his best self. The term he used was “mentally healthy”.

I think ALL of us in this thread have some pretty special kids that want to be their personal best. I believe Furman will deliver what our kids need.


do you think an international with a 3.67 UW GPA can be accepted at Furman? Test optional but has asked for aid. Haven’t received much emails from Furman though

The middle 50% of admitted seem to be in the 3.4 to 3.9 range by GPA (by what’s stated online). Depending on your curriculum, I’d say you’re probably fine, but I can never figure out exactly what they’re looking for. It’s especially confusing with bigger schools and more posts from other people with kids with super high GPA’s and standardized test scores getting deffered or waitlisted over someone with lower scores. It’s obvious that scores aren’t everything. There’s just a lot less info for Furman out their. I can’t find people that didn’t get admitted, and their scores. I guess we’ll find out in a few days.

One students experience at a different small private was the school said we will admit you if you’re willing to pay x $. But rejected them upfront until they were willing to commit financially.

Schools often count on international students to be a good source of revenue. So your willingness to pay at a certain level may inform their decision on your candidacy.


Think they’ll release EA today, or over the weekend? Best of luck to everyone!

It seems like any others my daughter has applied to have been released at the end of the day on a Friday. I figure the admissions people probably hit the button to send the emails right before they leave for the weekend lol.

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I think it should be today or tomorrow. However, I think they might send letters through the U.S. Postal service instead of email. I’m not sure where I read that, so someone please correct me if I’m wrong. In the meantime, I’ll be waiting by the mailbox! :grimacing::sweat_smile:

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My husband called admissions yesterday and was told 5 pm EST today for emails (and corresponding portal updates, presumably). Good luck everyone!