Furniture in Townhouse?

<p>I'm staying in a townhouse next year, and I wondered what is usually found within them?</p>

<p>For example, are kitchen appliances there, or do I have to bring in my own?</p>

<p>Check: [Housing</a> - Townhouse Community](<a href=ā€œResidential Life | Student & Campus Life | Cornell Universityā€>Residential Life | Student & Campus Life | Cornell University)</p>

<p>About appliances, Iā€™m not so sure. Maybe you can contact the housing.</p>

<p>All you pretty much have is a fridge and a stove. I am pretty sure that my suitemate had to bring a microwave. Also, if you make a mess, keep in mind that you have to share a vacuum with lots of other townhouses. All Cornell vacuums (unless they have replaced them this summer) look like they are from the 80ā€™s, have the volume of a small tornado, and are frequently clogged, therefore, not too effective at cleaning.</p>