FYE Requirement of Oral Communication Foundational Outcome typically COM 11400

I looked at the Syllabus and this Course requirement sounds a bit scary. I’ve done loads of public speaking, but, like many, I’ve always hated it. Any current engineering students have some insight?

My D is a current FYE and took this class Fall semester. I recall many parents leading up to it during the summer were announcing their kid had tested out of it through both a written and oral exam. So you could look into that option. But my D really enjoyed it. She got good feedback after each of the (5?) short speeches she had to do during the semester. Feedback such as eliminating “like” and “um”, etc. The students view footage of themselves as they are being critiqued which is an effective tool.

It looks like the presentations can be or are made to an audience of your choice as opposed to the classroom. I think this makes it a little less nerve-racking.

I would think that this class would provide a nice break from the hardcore engineering classes. Additionally, I have found that good communication and presentation skills are often lacking in STEM majors. Glad this is a requirement.

I don’t disagree. Just wondering how it was