As a proud spring admit, I want to start a forum for other fellow future Cornellians joining in January 2016. We can discuss the university, voice any concerns/questions, and hopefully get a better picture of how student life will turn out next year. I saw that someone mentioned the issue of adjusting on another discussion…I’m not too concerned because the spring admits will all be adjusting together with the help of other students. I’m personally planning to take classes at another institution in the fall, so I can possibly still graduate on time.
Also, why does Cornell get so much hate? People seem to rank it the last Ivy.
Being partially statutory doesn’t help its image among the elitists. Largest undergrad population and highest acceptance rate, which is still bloody low. And the motto of ‘any man any study’ pushes this accepting atmosphere, which is in direct contrast with the elitist nature of the Ivy League. However, acceptance rates has no bearing, at this level, on the academic reputation and quality of An institution.
Cornell’s a powerhouse in stem research. 45 affiliated nobel laureates. Best engineering in ivy, among other top programs. International reputation > half the Ivy League.
Only people spouting ‘worst ivy’ nonsense? Naive high school seniors and the other ill informed. For those that matter, Cornell’s viewed as a fine institution. ARWU ranks Cornell as a research institution 12th in the world.
Wait…we can take courses at a community college and still have them count for course credits at Cornell? I’m planning to go to a 4-year university to take courses (the school I was originally planning to go to before FYSA notification). Also, what college was S3 accepted into? @maxsdad
Cornell just opened a brand new Gates Hall for CS, courtesy of Bill Gates’ $25m donation to the school. It is also one of only 2 schools that are highly sought after by employers from coast to coast from IT to Investment Banking, surpassing even Harvard in # recruited at Google, Morgan Stanley and Goldman Sachs.
So congratulations you are all going to an excellent school. Let the haters hate. They’ll be trying to friend you on LinkedIn for a job after college.
I think being partially statutory probably makes its acceptance rate higher. I could be wrong but I suspect Cornell’s acceptance rate to its CAS might be lower than its other colleges like the school of Agriculture or Hotel Management.
Of course haters are gonna hate. Cornell is a great university! Does anyone know about how the academics are at Cornell? I’ve heard that it is really competitive and cut-throat. but I would expect that at any higher institution.
@mfflforlife S3 accepted to HE/PAM. Was given a list of courses to take. He was also told that he can choose to attend community or 4yr/college for the fall. He had no interest in starting at another school and leaving after one semester and have to deal with 2 college transitions. I can only tell you the HE policy, the other schools may differ
@3rdsontocollege I know this post is a few months old but I hope you can still answer. I was also accepted into HE FYSA. When did you get a letter telling you what classes to take? Are you alluding to the PDF file on Cornell’s website or something else. Thanks, I want to get an idea of what classes I need to take in the fall.