GA Tech Class of 2025 EA1 and EA2

Agree 100% with this. My daughter is in CS at another school with a highly ranked program and when she considered GA Tech the females in CS were something like 20%. That was a quick NO for her. She’s at a school that takes slightly more in Engineering than males, and I think even CS. Unlike GA Tech, CS is in Engineering where she attends. It’s been an amazing opportunity for her, but now I have a son applying to college and it’ll be interesting to see how things shake out for him also in CS.

He applied ED somewhere and will only apply to GA Tech RD if he does not get into his ED school. They seem to accept 1-2 people a year from our OOS high school, and every so often 1 attends, but I can see from stats it is getting more and more difficult as students with high stats are not getting in just as much as students getting in with high stats are.

EA applications to GT were 27,600 this year. That’s a 25% increase over the 22,000 from last year.

@Greymeer is that for EA1 or EA2?

What AO’s have been saying is that applications are WAY up for in state students and way down for OOS because kids don’t want to travel as far as in the past, plus the cost. However, schools are still accepting the same % of in state/OOS students so that would benefit OOS the most. This is also probably a result of students not being able to visit OOS schools.

Where are those stats? My son is applying RD OOS if he doesn’t get into his ED school.

Thats for both EA1 & EA2.

@greymeer Is that info public? If so can you direct me to it. I assume the bulk is in EA1, which is a shame they don’t separate that out.

Editing is temperamental… and stupid. it won’t allow Twit_ter links… so here’s a tiny url. Take out the underscores.

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I’d like to say that your observation that the bulk is in ea1 isn’t true. Gt only gets around 10k instate applications each year total the rest are oos. So last year there were 30k oos apps.

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Common App makes it very easy to apply to GT OOS, plus this year they had very short essays.

MIT’s app on the other hand… lol.

@AlwaysMoving I know, right? They also don’t require you to submit the common app essay, so odd.

My son had a ton of essays to do and applied to 7 schools already, including his ED school. He didn’t get to visit GA Tech, so he decided to bump it with 2 other schools to apply to in late December if he doesn’t get into his ED school. I don’t blame him because he was getting burnt out by all the other essays he had to write and this way he will at least be fresh if he gets rejected.

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@Greymeer Thanks for the links. I had some trouble navigating as I am not a twitter user, but I did find this

It states that there was an 18% increase in GA applicants over last year, so that aligns with what I suspected, but still that means more OOS as well. But still nearly 2-1 GA resident to OOS resident.

Not the xx above in the link I provided need to be replaced with er.

Applications at Tech were slightly up for EA1 in state per Rick Clark on Twitter so EA2 applications must have been up quite a bit. The test optional aspect attracts more people to apply I am sure. My senior son got in UGA in state last week and we are hoping for good news from Ga Tech on Friday. UGA apps were way up also!

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@VirginiaBelle Yes, my kids just told me that UGA apps were up 20% so I guess that makes sense.

I posted above the GA Tech EA apps in state were up 17% so the OOS apps were up 8% so definitely much higher for in state but all around up. Crazy times. I think the test optional thing is getting kids to apply that never would have applied before.

Not sure how you determined that breakdown. I saw the 18 percent increase for in state. Ga Tech gets several times the number of OOS applications as they do in state. Breakdown is usually 10k or so in state and 30k plus out of state EA and RD - so even though the in state percentage may be higher in terms of pure numbers the out of state applications increased by more as far as number of actual applications. So if applications were up roughly 5k for early action, most of those are out of state. And UGA was up 28 percent after all were in.


I may have actually calculated wrong, not sure where my mind was, lol, as there were only about 5k more applicants for EA overall this year than last year and that’s just under 25% increase over last year, actually more like 23% (5k/22k) and not sure what I was thinking, although I can’t find any data on the break down of in state applications for EA vs OOS, only accepted, but for some reason in my mind I was thinking if 18% of the 25% (really 23) were OOS then the remainder were OOS but I took the wrong base. But comparatively so, if 5k is the number of applications over last year, it doesn’t sound like the OOS apps increased significantly in any case since Georgia is one state and you have a lot of international and OOS applicants and the one big difference with GA Tech is they don’t require the common app essay and just have the two short essays and once they dropped their test requirements that also changed the ball game for a lot of people.

Problem is, they’re another one of those states that have to accept a huge amount of their students from OOS, so while their in state applications increase and they have the auto acceptance program (I forgot what it’s called there), so any get the free college, it makes it harder for other in state students as well to get in as well as increasingly difficult for OOS. Great school.

For GT, you are guaranteed 2 AOs will read each GT application to evaluate it.

Georgia schools do not have the auto admit (like Texas which admits top percentage of the class)) except for valedictorian and salutatorian, nor is there any requirement that they accept a certain percentage of students from out of state or in state (like UNC). UGA has roughly 80 percent in state students, and Ga Tech is roughly 60 percent. That is a decision made by each individual school admission department. Interestingly, UGA does not take state residency into account while there is a benefit to being a Georgia resident at Ga Tech. Once admitted, you are given the Hope/Zell scholarship if you qualify at any Georgia public institution (and a small amount for any private institution in Georgia). This is funded by the lottery.

Georgia Tech’s top 5 ranking in the country for most engineering disciplines means a large number of high stats kids apply from across the country. This makes it very competitive OOS (due to high stats and large application numbers - around 14% admission rate) vs in state with roughly 35% admission rate. Even with a 35% admission rate it is still very difficult to get in in state and there are many who transfer in or take one of the several conditional pathways into Tech.

With 5k more applicants, there was roughly an 1800 increase in state, leading to roughly 3200 more OOS applications for EA. Nervous for Friday for my middle son who was admitted to UGA last week - he is a double legacy at Tech and it is high up on his list.

Interesting as it much have changed, because my cousins all went to Tech and were able to go and automatically get in as well as go for free as long as they maintained a B average. Which I know some of that they still have which is part of why so many students stay in state. But they’re older now so it would make sense things would change.

Regardless, if they auto accept a minimum of 2 from every school that is still a large amount of their class, especially at GA Tech which is a small school, and if UGA has 80% in state, then that doesn’t leave much room for OOS even without auto acceptances. Free college makes a huge difference.

Yes, UT only auto accepts top 5% for in state, which is not many when you are a top student at a top school and even then if you’re an auto admit, you’re not guaranteed your major. I have a daughter who is an OOS student at UT and interestingly UGA is considered a safety for a lot of UT non auto admits, which I find surprising. I think the year she applied to college a bunch of students in their class (she’s a twin) applied to UGA and some got in some didn’t, but we’re not southerners so it was an odd choice from here.

My oldest son has a friend that went to GA Tech and loved it. I think he’s in the Navy seal program now. It is crazy seeing how hard it is becoming. My friend’s daughter is getting her Masters there now and it’s a big change from her undergrad program, but she is enjoying it. My son missed his visit there over Spring break, but it was never high on his list so he bumped it to RD since he has applied to a school ED and then 6 others. If he doesn’t get in ED he will probably finish the GA Tech app since it’s just the 2 essays. But our CS program here is ranked just as high as GA Tech so I think he can take it or leave it and not sure he would like that urban setting, although I love Atlanta. His dad went to Emory. I guess time will tell!

Good luck to your son! This year is like no other, but I have heard so many schools, including top ranked will be overaccepting.

Yes - the scholarship program you are taking about is the Hope scholarship. Basically every one from Georgia who gets into Tech qualifies for Zell which is a free ride due to their admission stats. You have to maintain a 3.3 to keep the full ride scholarship. As the parent of a current Tech student it is a wonderful thing! The auto admit val and sal is new as of a couple of years ago I think. There are some qualifications - school has to have over 50 students in graduating class, etc. It was seen as particularly beneficial to more rural areas as the top two students in the stronger schools in the state would likely get into Tech anyway. My oldest loves Tech but it checked all the boxes for him - mid size school, urban area, strong engineering program and he has been very happy even with all the Covid stuff. Great choice for him!

Has anyone got the Pay Now button yet that last year’s EA discussion was talking about?

I do not have that button