GA Tech Class of 2025 EA1 and EA2

Did anyone not have button, then checked a bit later and it was there? :face_with_monocle:


Both as well as “My Award Letter” under Financial Aid - we do not qualify for need based

My son got the Pay Now. FL, applied for FA


For me everything disappeared only the time is on

You need to look in Oscar.

I didn’t apply for financial aid

that is what i have

Does anyone have this message?
“If you would like for your hometown newspaper to receive notification for any term that you receive Dean’s List or Faculty Honors, please do the following:
Click on Update Addresses and Phone Information. Select the “HOMETOWN NEWSPAPER” address type. Enter a “Valid From” date (just put today’s date). Enter “OK TO SEND” on address line one. Enter the name of your hometown in the “City” field. Enter a State Code. Enter your Zip Code. Click the SAVE button.”

This was not there before, but I don’t have the pay now button so I don’t want to get my hopes up:(

So does the Pay Now button mean you have been accepted?

I have it too but I wanna say I remember seeing it before. Can’t find a Pay Now button sadly :frowning:

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have any international students gotten the pay now button?

Same here

They say that is what happened last year and for EA1

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anyone from ny get the pay now button yet?

can someone copy and paste what their pay now button looks like

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Personal Information: (Tab)

If you would like for your hometown newspaper to receive notification for any term that you receive Dean’s List or Faculty Honors, please do the following:

Click on Update Addresses and Phone Information. Select the “HOMETOWN NEWSPAPER” address type. Enter a “Valid From” date (just put today’s date). Enter “OK TO SEND” on address line one. Enter the name of your hometown in the “City” field. Enter a State Code. Enter your Zip Code. Click the SAVE button.

Has pay now! at the bottom

Student Services & Financial Aid (Tab)

GEORGIA TECH HONOR CHALLENGE - “I commit to uphold the ideals of honor and integrity by refusing to betray the trust bestowed upon me as a member of the Georgia Tech community”. For more information, click this Honor Code link.

Pay Now!
Make a payment on your account in the Student Bill+Payment Portal. Please enable pop-ups or hold down the Ctrl key when you click to open the new window.
(Entering Paynow, go to my profile, has Student ID)

Entering Financial Aid has view the award letter


Are you looking at Buzzport or Oscar?

If no pay button means rejected