GA Tech Class of 2025 EA1 and EA2

Same for me

Is it different for international students

What is?

Are you from India?

Yes but living in California

Oh cool.

But as no pay button it seems I am rejected

I don’t have it either : (

We have the honor code message and the newspaper notification message. We dont have the Pay Now button neither any award letter info. We expressed interest in Summer semester and Study abroad. Under Application status we do not see any info for Fall 2021 which was visible until yesterday.

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Please update if any of international student have the pay button. I just can’t take my mind off

lol just relax, only 15 more hours left and we will know the decision for sure :))


International student here: I can confirm that I have the pay now button. Did not apply for fin aid or scholarships.

If you set up your GaTech Passport account within the last 24 hours, don’t lose hope! It takes a day or two to link the passport account to your application, and there’s still a chance for you to have a “Pay Now!” button in a few days. In other words, you could be accepted tomorrow/today/in a few hours.

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Do you see pay now button

Where are you from?

Was the honor code and the newspaper notification message available yesterday?

I think they were

Yeah, I set up my account just 5 hours ago. That kind of reassures me lol. Thank you :upside_down_face:

I don’t see a pay now button. International Student from India.

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wait guys how do we log into oscaar? i didn’t fill out finaid bc i knew i wouldn’t qualify

Yeah even I hadn’t filled it out.

Go to that link and click on secure access login. There if you click on forgot ID, it’ll take ask you to fill out your name and birthdate. After that, it’ll take you to the Passport setup page and post that, you can login into Oscar.