GAAP Weekend

<p>Can someone please give me a little more information about the GAAP weekends? Do they last all day Friday, Saturday, and Sunday, or is it just part of those days? We are trying to buy plane tickets for March, so I really need to know when the programs begin and end. Thanks in advance!</p>

<p>I don’t know if the schedule has been finalized yet, but if my memory serves me right, I believe Sunday is just half day (and kinda optional/not important), I’m not sure there was a Friday… I thought it was a 2 day event… I could be wrong… it was 2 yrs ago…</p>

<p>Thanks. Please, if anyone else has an idea about the schedule, post what you know.</p>

<p>So are these overnights for the students? Or do the kids just stay with their parents in a hotel or something?</p>

<p>Stay with parents… I think if you pre-arrange you might be able to stay with students, but majority of the kids came with parents…</p>

<p>if you personally know a student, you can work something out with them yourself, but due to the sheer volume of requests, Georgetown can’t cooridnate anything itself</p>

<p>Saturday’s the main emphasis. When I went to GAAP I got there Friday afternoon and left Sunday morning. I think there are events planned for the whole time, but the important ones are Friday night and Saturday. However, the one important thing: if you want to sit in on a class, you need to be there Friday morning/early afternoon.</p>