Gabelli/FCRH Core

Hi! I was admitted to Fordham as a Business Communications and Media Management major. However, I’m still not completely sure if business is for me, and Im also interested in Communications/Political Science. I know that both Gabelli and FCRH have extensive core requirements. What are the differences between them? If I decide the end of freshman year that I want to switch into FCRH, would i still have enough time to possibly double major in poly sci and communications? I have AP credit in US History and English Comp, and Im taking the tests for statistics, environmental science, and psychology, if that will help me open up my schedule. Thanks!

Double check with this link, but it looks like with the exception of environmental science you might be getting credit for only non-major electives. So hopefully you scored a 4 or 5. I believe the only difference between the Gabelli Core and RH Core is that you need to take the Micro/Macro Economics and there is no foreign language requirement in Gabelli. I think you also need to take a business math and statistics. Also there are no EP’s in Gabelli (Eloquentia Perfecta).

Here is the link for the LIberal Arts Core for Gabelli: