Gameday Parking

<p>We are driving down from Massachusetts tomorrow for the VT/NC football game followed by campus visit on Friday. I've gone through the parking info on the VT site... any insider tips on parking for the game? Thanks in advance.</p>

<p>There are people just off campus (ie on Clay St., Houston St., etc.) that set up their yards as little parking lots - generally for about $15-$20. It’s an easy walk to the stadium but it can take a little while to get out of the area after the game. There’s a lions club that has done gameday parking over on that side of campus too, you should be able to find them on the web.</p>

<p>thanks… is going for the lots listed on the campus map a bad idea? What about the P1 (520 Patrick Henry St.) or P2 (3109 Price Fork Road) lots and the shuttle? This is coming from someone who has made bad parking decisions at Gillette Stadium in Foxborough.</p>

<p>Prices Fork is fine-just a bit of a walk. Plan on about 20 minutes to the stadium. You will get a nice tour of the campus full of plenty of spirit heading to the stadium. Enjoy you are in for a treat-wish we were there with our son.</p>

<p>The campus parking lots will likely be pretty packed, although I don’t recall if they were that much worse on Thursday games than Saturday games. The easiest thing to do is to take the Toms Creek exit, and go toward the gas stations. You’ll go through a light and down the road a little and you’ll start seeing lots (school, church and private) to park in for $10-20. If you see another set of lights you’ve gone too far. The best thing is that getting back on 460 to get out of Blacksburg will be easier than pretty much any other lot. It will be a bit of a walk, but the walk is across campus (follow the crowd.) Make sure you get there early for Enter Sandman.</p>

<p>Here’s a random address on the street I’m talking about so you have something to stick in a GPS: 824 Toms Creek Road, Blacksburg VA, 24060.</p>

<p>And here’s some unsolicited advice for your campus visit. You might already be doing all of this but I’ll talk anyway.</p>

<p>Eat at least one meal on campus. I highly suggest West End or D2. West end is a la carte and extemely high quality (consistently ranked top 3 in dining halls in the US) while D2 is all you can eat and a bit more standard as far as quality goes. Get something off campus too if you’ll be in town long enough; I like the Cellar (pasta/Greek pizza) but honestly it’ll be hard to find a bad place in downtown Blacksburg. If you’re not familiar with the city downtown is right next to campus (right down the street from the student center) and I hight suggest taking a walk around. There are a ton of restaraunts and shops and things and it’s a nice place to just take a walk around.</p>

<p>You’re probably already doing a campus tour but I’d also suggest sitting down with a professor if you know what major you’re interested in. It’s kind of short notice but most departments (particularly in engineering where the departments are somewhat recruiting against eachother for students) have at least a couple professors that love talking to prospective students and can answer some questions. The counselors range from great to absolutely clueless do take anything they say (especially if it’s something about transferring credits or AP) with a massive grain of salt and verify it against actual policy somewhere. </p>

<p>And yeah, have a good time. Blacksburg will be insane Thursday and I really, really wish I could be there.</p>

<p>We did everything Chuy suggested including met w/advisor/professors.(so welcoming). my son sat in on a class. we ate at West End (great great food!) We ate in town, saw football game (took a cab to game we stayed at Marriott Blacksburg 2 miles away) , walked campus on a beautiful fall night, felt the spirit of the school… really good time… my S didnt want to come home… Its going to be a cold night for you, I hope you have the same experience</p>

<p>Thanks for all the great advice. We are on 81 at Staunton and seeing cars with VT stickers and pennants. Already getting excited… It will be cold but dry, that’s all I ask for.
Chuy, I’m very interested to compare the VT dining to UMass, which is also excellent…</p>

<p>Enjoy the game-I have a feeling once your son witnesses Lane Stadium there may be no other school on his list. But definitely be in your seats 20-30 minutes before kick-off, it will be an experience you will not forget. </p>

<p>Another note- about the food-VT is ranked #1 in campus food. Bundle up-we will be watching!</p>

<p>Agree to be sure to get there early. Darius Rucker is singing the National Anthem tonight! Son just emailed me to say he got a ticket so I’ll definitely be watching too. Have fun!</p>

<p>Advantage of having your Hokie in the Corps of Cadets - admission to every home game and we always know where he’ll be sitting when we watch on TV. <g> Have fun at the game, the night games are a blast!</g></p>

<p>Sure do love watching the cadets-something about those uniforms…:)</p>

<p>Even though it is going to be REALLY cold for this one and I will be in my warm jammies in my warm den, I am jealous dmt! Jump for me! (you’ll know what I mean in a few hours! :)) </p>

<p>Hope you have a great night and a great visit tomorrow!</p>

<p>Let’s Go! HOKIES!</p>

<p>We are all excited for dmt because we know what he is in for. I too am jealous-but so happy for the students and those attending. We will enjoy many texts from our son trying to tell us where he is and can we see him on TV. We will tape it for him to watch again tomorrow-just in case he will be visible in the crowd-it’s doubtful :slight_smile: Enjoy the game everyone!</p>