Gaming Admissions Decisions

<p>I know it may not be the best idea to try and reason ahead of time if we got in or not, but what are some indicators of acceptance?</p>

<p>I know the regents invitation is one (midfeb, right?). Is there anything else?</p>

<p>I heard about some kind of Alumni email, but the discussion as to the meaning the the email was ambiguous. Can anyone clarify?</p>

<p>Also, if we don't receive a supplemental by mid Feb, can we confidently skew our acceptances to one side or another?</p>

<p>I know the best thing is to be patient, but a little prescience would be nice.</p>


<p>ask bobo the muffin man, he will know if you’ve been accepted oddly… i don’t know how</p>

<p>This is an intriguing post. I’m curious to know what indicators hint at an acceptance as well. </p>

<p>btw lmao at Firapira.</p>

<p>@ hmmmmmm: There should be a way to gauge our chances aside from personally asking people here. Are you going to be a freshman or transfer?</p>



<p>this is where the post should end. There are no signs of being accepted. At least one should never assume that they are signs since most of the time, they are just massed out to at least the reasonably eligible candidates.</p>

<p>Go to your MyBerkeley Application website and look at the bottom right middle corner. If you see a green pixel dot then you have a 75% chance of being accepted. If you do not have this dot then you are rejected. However, if your background is still blue then you still have a 50% chance of being accepted. Hope I’ve helped!</p>

<p>■■■■■ at demoz! Oh wow if only.</p>

<p>Just let things work itself out and you’ll find out in about three months.</p>

<p>In my school, people who got into Berkeley got rejected from UCLA and people who go into LA got rejected from Berkeley. Very few made into both oddly. So… take it however you want…</p>

<p>YESSSSSSSSSSSSS!!! i have a green dot!! yay im in!!</p>

<p>@demoz - You are god!!!</p>

<p>@demoz - What the heck? That’s not true, is it?</p>

<p>it’s not. he’s just playing around.</p>

<p>anyways, there are no clear indicators except when you’re contacted with a letter of acceptance/rejection.</p>

<p>look at the horror stories about that “women for engineering” thing. I remember seeing it last year and was reminded of it when i saw a topic on it this year. They were encouraged to go to Berkeley, blah blah, and then they were rejected.</p>

<p>you’ll never know until the very end. just calm down and focus on not failing due to senioritis.</p>

<p>demoz is telling the truth. I followed that same advice last year and a few months later, I got in.</p>

<p>But how would you know that isn’t just a coincidence?</p>

<p>Just ignore them</p>

<p>haha idiots…</p>

<p>No, the green pixel theory has been proven true by many of my friends here and by myself.</p>

<p>It works!</p>

<p>WOooooooo, I have none
It is blue</p>



<p>Darn, I’ve got a blue pixel dot with a green background. :D</p>

<p>have all of you got an email of Survey? I got one</p>

<p>i got one too</p>