<p>The Alumni email is an invitation to apply for the Alumni scholarship.</p>
<p>All applicants got the survey email.</p>
<p>OMG!! My background is GREEN!! That’s pretty.</p>
<p>The Alumni email is an invitation to apply for the Alumni scholarship.</p>
<p>All applicants got the survey email.</p>
<p>OMG!! My background is GREEN!! That’s pretty.</p>
<p>My background is blue with the middle part is white! I haven’t seen any green pixel dot yet:(</p>
Oh, I have the same pain. But I think since it’s only a few days into the admissions process for the AOs, I don’t think they have gone through all the applications.
I think the deep blue background only indicates that they haven’t quite got to your application yet.</p>
<p>demoz is telling the truth. same happened to me…odd</p>
<p>Where is this dot everyone is talking about?</p>
<p>“But how would you know that isn’t just a coincidence?”</p>
<p>Didn’t someone establish that demoz is God?</p>
<p>Did anyone get the email from Berkeley’s Coalition for Excellence and Diversity in Mathematics, Science, and Engineering?</p>
<p>I did horse.</p>
<p>^i assume you both applied for science/engineering majors; we wouldn’t get anything if we put undecided, right?</p>
<p>My d put down undecided and got the email last night but I don’t think it means anything. Don’t sweat it.</p>
<p>Well, what did the email say?</p>
<p>I don’t remember much except that it had a bunch of links the schools math and science programs and then it said that no decisions have been made and that email was completely separate from admissions.</p>
<p>Ah ok, turns out I did get it.</p>
<p>So if you don’t have the green dot you’re definitely not in?
what color is your background if you aren’t in?</p>
<p>Don’t listen to them. It’s not true about the dot. They’re just playing with people.</p>
<p>no, its true. green dots!!!</p>
<p>Post a screenshot, please. ;)</p>
<p>i have the green dot! i called berkeley to confirm and they said that if u have this dot, you are in the top 25% applicant pool </p>
<p><a href=“http://i287.■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■/albums/ll129/lakerforever24/Untitled-2.jpg?t=1264836417[/url]”>http://i287.■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■/albums/ll129/lakerforever24/Untitled-2.jpg?t=1264836417</a></p>
<p>^How long did you spend on that?</p>
<p>nvm, i guess you just had to draw in the dot. </p>
<p>all right seriously, stop with the dots. no one should take this seriously, both because there are 13232 contradictions in what people are saying and, frankly, the theory is ■■■■■■■■ (obviously, the original intent). </p>
<p>you guys have had your fun; but some people are apparently jittery enough to take this seriously, and even though the joke is obvious to some (probably most), it’s not right that you take advantage of other peoples’ nervousness for your own amusement.</p>
<p>so demoz and others: just call BS so we can move on…</p>