Garcia Summer Research 2023

Thank you for the information! Good luck!

Oh I was rejected earlier today (Friday, April 21st) at around noon. But im intl from Canada tho. But I also saw some ppl on reddit saying that they got in earlier today lmao. This is so confusing. Also, side note, their rejection letter was very low effort :frowning:


Are they sending out acceptances in waves?

I think so. In my conversation, they sounded like shorthanded. They expect to send out the emails slowly and anticipate to have it done by Sunday.

Thank you! Best of luck to everyone.


I got accepted. I am otherworldly confused. I did not even fill half of the word count, submitted like 20 minutes before deadline and spent maybe 15 minutes…

I’ve heard some really weird things about this program (50% of the kids who get in are a feeder from a jewish private neighborhood because they have connections with the lead garcia operator). But of course I do not mean to dog on this program im only saying that getting rejected is not an accurate measure of your guyses skill level.



what time did you get your email? did anyone else hear anything?

So far not yet for me

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I am confused with your note. First, this is a paper application. We had to send a complete package via mail before March 10. You sounded like an online application by stating that you completed the application 20 minutes before the dead line.
Secondly, I look at the picture of students and their names in year books. I can’t find the fact they favor a certain racial group.

Wait, wdym by word count and submission deadline? I think there is no certain word limit or deadline as we are mailing application. Or are you confused with another program?

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wait ■■■■ i was thinking of Simons SRP not garcia

my bad everyone

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Did anyone receive their results today?

Not yet as of 11:45 EST

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Just got accepted. Is there a discord server for Garcia?

What was the acceptance rate?

I still didn’t receive anything yet lol

Received the acceptance email two days ago (last Friday afternoon).

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What did the email say

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There may be some info on the acceptance letter not meant to be shared lol. But here my rejection haha

Dear Garcia Applicant,

           Thank you for having expressed an interest in the Garcia Scholars Research Program.  We have given careful consideration to your application and regret to inform you that we were unable to offer you a place in our program this summer.  You have been a competitive applicant; however, due to having had an unusual number of qualified applicants, like you, this year, whom we have had to turn away.  Unfortunately, are unable to provide critical commentary on each declined application due to the high number of applications involved.

We thank you for your application and hope that you are able to find an alternate opportunity during this year.


The Staff at Garcia Research

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