Garcia Summer Research 2023

Anyone else not receive anything yet?

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has a garcia channel. join in u would like :slight_smile:

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yea nothing here. thought they were releasing all decisions by this weekend

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Server for all accepted to any Stony Brook program (includes Garcia)

Does anyone have any info on the timeline for future decisions?

Still receiving nothing. Does that mean I am waitlisted or rejected automatically?

I don’t receive any email yet. In this group, some mention they got the decisions last Friday. I think they are legit…
Some said they received the decisions Saturday and today. They don’t look real for me.
I think Garcia department takes a break during this weekend.
I hope tomorrow will bring good news to us!
Good luck to all!

Hopefully that’s true. But I have seen a screenshot of an email saying the candidate is admitted. I mean, there is simply no need for that candidate to ps that haha.

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Anyone hear anything? Has anyone called them?

Yes, line is busy.

I just spoke to Dr. Rafailovich and learned that they are still working on the list.

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oh okay. did he say approximately when results would come out

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Actually, it is she. She answered my call briefly. I didn’t have a chance to ask her about anticipated time for notifications…

Anyone heard back yet?

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You can call 516-458-9011 and check the status.

can someone call and get a timeline?


I e-mailed them and heard that anyone who did not receive letter is put on the waitlist.

Only accepted and rejected students got their e-mail…
I think a large number of students are put on waitlist… Maybe we should think about alternative programs to go for

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Are you sure we are on the waitlist?

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Yeah. I dm you