Garrett Sherwood Scholarships at Whitman College?

My daughter is an athlete, so she won’t get money outside of the merit scholarship. After all she’s read about it, my D thinks Whitman would be a great fit for her. We are going to visit for an ID camp in April. Even with the 25k, it’s still pricey. Is the Garret Sherwood scholarship their full ride? I’m sure the competition is fierce for that!

I am actually unclear about the Garret Sherwood - they don’t explicitly state how much money is involved…so not sure? I’m thinking it’s probably full ride (or maybe full tuition), but the website doesn’t specify. If you think she might be competitive for it, she should definitely email admissions and ask!

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My memory might not be perfect - but I remember a thread on here last year about Pacific NW colleges and I think the poster was able to negotiate for more more money at Whitman when showing other offers. His child ended up at the UW. Might be worth searching, as good thread.


I thought I’d post an update. My 2023 just got back her financial pre-read and she was awarded 25k per year merit aid. This is great news as she is still seriously considering Whitman!

If only all schools did this, it would sure be nice…