GASP! CBHP interview at Bama Bound! Tuesday! Urgent advice, please!

It sounds like Mrs. B needs Dr. S’s rubber stamp.

However, I would be concerned if somehow she doesn’t get picked, she’d lose her choice of non-cbh class for THAT particular spot in her schedule.

if she gets into CBH, she’s going to get into the class…that’s a given.

Oh my word, we are still on hold here with all fingers and toes crossed! I hope Dr. Sharpe is just enjoying a well deserved holiday . . . but we’re dying waiting to hear! LOL

Thanks for all the good thoughts. Keep them coming, because we’re still on the edges of our seats!

What we did was work up a schedule with an entire extra course – so 18 in-term credits . . . With the plan to drop one off the schedule pending whether or not she gets into CBH. When she was actually registering for classes, she couldn’t add the CBH since she wasn’t (yet??) added to the approved list for CBH. So, she enrolled in the other 14/15 credits (14 in term, 1 pre-term Outdoor Action), leaving the correct time/days open for the CBH if she gets into CBH. Then, if she gets into CBH, she’ll drop one of the other courses (either CS100 if she passes out of it with the AP Exam OR ENGR 103 if she doesn’t pass out of CS100 . . . OR, if she passes the AP exam and does NOT get into CBH, she will drop CS100 and replace it with CS101).

So, anyway, we worked up a complex flowchart (very pretty, multi-colored, lol) of her drops/adds if she gets into CBH, passes or doesn’t pass the Comp Sci AP Exam, and some other thing I’ve forgotten. But, we made sure that the specific sections/classes she signed up for this week WILL work with ANY of those ultimate options, and she can ADD a new class before dropping the old one since none overlap with each other. Fortunately, she was able to get into all the sections/courses she wanted, so she’s in good shape no matter the outcomes of CBH, etc.

Keep those fingers crossed. I’ll be sure to update when we hear, either way.

^ You have a great handle on things, mmom99…and things will work out. Your advice to students/families is spot on: go into BB as prepared as you can, with options for the ifs/ands/buts. If your student will continue this kind of preparation and attitude (e.g., ‘…she’s in good shape no matter the outcomes…’) throughout their time at UA, they will be very successful.