CBHP Stats

<p>Does anyone know the average stats of the kids accepted into CBHP last year? D is thinking about applying and wondered if she had a chance. I’ve read that for UFE all the kids have such high stats that they’re looking at things other than stats; is that the case for CBHP as well? Also, is there a way to get information about CBHP beyond what’s on the website? When D visited last January she had requested a meeting with someone involved in CBHP, but it didn’t happen. Unfortunately, there were no faculty available and Jami was only able to arrange a lunch with a CBHP student, and then he didn’t show up. The best laid plans . . . .</p>

<p>CBH kids tend to have a bit higher stats than the UFE kids (not a huge difference, but CBH average has been a bit higher).</p>

<p>I haven’t seen the average from the group that was selected last Spring, but in the past the average has been in the 32/33 range. I wouldn’t be surprises if Fall’s CBH frosh had a 33/34 avg…the stats for the apps were amazing. </p>

<p>However, anyone who has a 32+ ACT and strong GPA has a good chance.</p>

<p>I’ve found this page very helpful. It doesn’t quite answer the question of what you are asking but gave us a good understanding of the programs.</p>

<p>[University</a> of Alabama Undergraduate Catalog 2010-12](<a href=“Page Not Found | The University of Alabama”>Page Not Found | The University of Alabama)</p>

<p>Can someone explain exactly why a student might want CBHP? How does it work? What kind of time commitment is involved? Pros and cons?</p>

<p>Info about CBHP <a href=“http://talk.collegeconfidential.com/university-alabama/804961-honors-colleges-4-different-programs-app-process.html?highlight=honors[/url]”>http://talk.collegeconfidential.com/university-alabama/804961-honors-colleges-4-different-programs-app-process.html?highlight=honors&lt;/a&gt;&lt;/p&gt;

<p>CBHP is a minor and it also fulfill the 6 credits for programming (C) designation that many STEM majors require. </p>

<p>CBHP is one class per semester…however, you can be complete by the end of junior year…so 6 total classes minimum.</p>

<p>The first 2 classes (one for fall and one for spring) are spent learning to program. These 2 classes are worth 4 credits each.</p>

<p>The next 4 semesters are spent doing research projects and you meet 1 hour per week and each of these classes are worth 3 credits.</p>

<p>Pros…lots of them. My son loved being in CBH. Research opps, presentation opps, close relationships with others, access to the CBH computer lab 24/7. </p>


<p>Another question - I didn’t see any guidance as to how long the essay is supposed to be. Did I miss it? Does it matter? Will anything fit into that box or is there a character limit?</p>

<p>Are there computer science majors in CBH? My son is not interested but I think that is because he doesn’t understand it or how it would fit in with a computer science major.</p>

<p>^ and how would it fit for an engineering major?</p>

<p>Frankly, most of the majors in CBH are: Engineering, CS, chem, and bio majors and/or pre-med students. Of course, it’s open to all majors, but works really well with those in STEM majors because of the research aspect.</p>

<p>Typically, it’s the non-STEM that are asking “how will this major fit in.” For the STEM majors, it’s like a hand in glove.</p>

<p>hopefully others know about the char limit. Is it 1000 char???</p>

<p>I think it was 2000. If I remember correctly, if you just type something in the box for the essay, it will tell you how many characters you have used and how many are left.</p>

<p>We have the same question. I just pasted a huge essay in from another class and I didn’t get an word count or limitation notice - of course, I didn’t submit it. Can anyone please answer the question of character limitation?</p>

<p>Do engineering majors in CBHP also do other research/internships/co-ops typical for engineering majors?</p>

<p>I just copied/pasted an essay into the box and it says XXXX/2000 char</p>

<p>^^^I can not answer definitively for just engineering students but I believe that students are not restricted to only doing their CBH research. I think their only restriction is time.</p>

<p>^ that’s what I’m asking–do they have time to do internships or other research, and do they usually do so?</p>

<p>*Do engineering majors in CBHP also do other research/internships/co-ops typical for engineering majors? </p>

<p>do they have time to do internships or other research, and do they usually do so? *</p>

<p>the research is usually one in the same. Students aren’t “assigned” research. They can use whatever research they’re doing FOR their CBH req’ts.</p>

<p>I just copied/pasted an essay into the box and it says XXXX/2000 char</p>

<p>OK, tried it again with something smaller. I get 2000 for UHP and 4000 for CBHP.</p>

<p>Okay, as to time constraints; there are several factors.
CBH students do not begin their CBH research till year 2. The first two semesters are spent learning two different programing languages. So whether your student will have time to pursue other opportunities during the first year will depend on how many credits they are taking and how well they manage their time. I really can not speak to the opportunities that are open to engineering students. I am sure that engineering moms and dads will chime in.</p>

<p>When students begin their CBH research -years 2 and 3, they will be encouraged to pursue research ideas that interest them. Some of the presentations are available online to watch, here is the link: [Honors</a> College - CBHP Presentations](<a href=“http://honors.cbhp.ua.edu/index.php?page=cbhp-presentations]Honors”>http://honors.cbhp.ua.edu/index.php?page=cbhp-presentations)
The first presentation is an engineering student. Your students might be interested in viewing these as well, to get a better idea of what the CBH program is about.</p>

<p>I’m curious…what is the purpose of teaching programming language? Most kids wouldn’t actually be programming for their research…would they?</p>

<p>Well, they actually they do use various programming languages in research labs e.g. building data bases. However, I believe that they teach these languages to teach the concepts.</p>