CBHP Weekend

<p>When y’all get home, let us know how the CBH weekend went, your observations etc. We would love to hear back from any finalists who attended this weekend.</p>

<p>If your reading this while at UA, Good Luck on the interview, and oh,get off your smart phone (lol) :slight_smile:
Roll Tide</p>

<p>My son is on his way there by himself. If I can get any info out of him, I’ll definitely share. I’d like to hear how it went for the Fellows too!</p>

<p>My son is also on his way on his own from Texas, MommyDearest. Early morning today!</p>

<p>Well if my son clams up, you can fill me in on what transpired! The thing I like best about Bama is the active parents thread…I can always find out what’s going on even if he doesn’t tell me. :wink: He said I’m not a helicopter parent…I’m more le a high flying spy plane. lol</p>

<p>Yes, reports from UFE state that one particular young man was checking his phone every 4 seconds…not good! People notice!
ps Mom and Dads when you ***** and complain about things outside of the Fellows control they will try to be gracious to a fault but your own student (interviewee/guest) is terribly uncomfortable about your rude behavior. Just curious, do you realize that the Fellows pay for the gas when they pick you up from the airport and drive you around. The last thing that I would be doing is complaining about free hotel accommodations.
I know some people just can’t help themselves but unfortunately it doesn’t reflect positively on your student whom you made very clear was interested in that team we kicked the crap out of during the BCS game. And, the other campus not too far from there. These are the situations when it’s best that the kids travel solo. Parent’s big mouths are a liability.
Please consider this a word of caution to the folks heading to campus for CBHP, too. Even when you’re frustrated, remember your actions are not deflecting off your student but directly surrounding them.
Good luck to the ones heading to campus and hope that everyone finishing up today had a positive experience. </p>

<p>Roll Tide!</p>

<p>^^^excellent post.</p>

<p>So I shouldn’t have sent him in his OSU sweatshirt? ;)</p>

<p>I hope you pulled the Notre Dame cap out of his luggage. And the Auburn backpack…not a good idea either. :slight_smile: Thanx asaunmom for the post. On the positive side, my DD had a friend there interviewing and that questionable behavior by others will make the friends chances better for being selected.</p>

<p>asaunmom: You are very right about the phone thing. About three years ago, my son noticed that one young man was on his phone all the time, either talking or texting. He never mingled with the other finalists nor did he talk with the current CBHP students. Obviously, the young man really did not want to be there, so why accept the trip if you really do not want to be part of the program?</p>

<p>^^^It is amazing (to me) that some people can’t even turn off their electronic devices for a short while.
How can a student judge the people they are meeting or the program they are interested in, if they are not paying attention and “in the moment”? Also, what some students don’t get is the fact that they are being observed.</p>

<p>Apparently, some parents don’t get it either ;/</p>

<p>i can’t stand the way kids (and adults) act with their phones. you are not that important! your friends are not that important! you can check your phone periodically (in the bathroom or at lunch). you don’t need to check it every 20 seconds.</p>

<p>i would think that UFE or CBHP level kids would get this … but apparently not.</p>

<p>sad … </p>

<p>one of my kids is reasonable with her phone. one is not. ugh!</p>

<p>Another “What are people thinking” moment:</p>

<p>When we visited campus during D’s junior year, Dr Sharpe was nice enough to meet with us on a game day Saturday. Joining us in the meeting was another family. The Family consisted of A father, mother and two sons. </p>

<p>The father spent the ENTIRE meeting on his iPhone.
One of the sons fell asleep.
The other son sat crossed armed and gave Dr. Sharpe one word answers.
The mother appeared to be the only one interested in the conversation.</p>

<p>I was embarrassed for them and sorry they were part of our meeting, but it sure was easy for D to shine :-)</p>

<p>Good luck to to all CBH interviewees today! My D is interviewing many of the candidates and she’s really excited to meet them.</p>

<p>Dad2, you’ll have to get the scoop from your D…hoping the CBHP staff were happy with their choices! Still no word from my son.</p>

<p>I’ve seen a lot of parents on their phones the entire time at their kid’s sporting event, theater, awards ceremonies, etc. Drives me nuts!</p>

<p>@mommydearest - I’ve been taking classes at a local college to get my old brain working again. The number of kids that are checking their phones during class lecture is so sad. It’s almost like they are addicted to their phones… the messages can’t be that important. It’s crazy.</p>

<p>My son and his roommate are fellow upperclassmen CBHers. They attended the dinner. My son did the tours for the prospective CBHers. His roommate, I believe, was going to do some of the interviews. I’ll have to ask my son how things went when I touch base with him.</p>

<p>I finally heard from him…a one word text…“AWESOME”. :)</p>

<p>My DDs returned safe and sound glowing about the program. They were particularly impressed with the presentations of CBH research – lots of inspiration. We found it remarkable that they had no stories of kids acting badly, only positive accounts of their peers. One even found a couple of fellow Dr. Who afficionados:-)</p>

<p>Mom2twins, if there was a Dr. Who discussion, my son probably elbowed his way in, so it’s likely they met!</p>

<p>He left in the wee hours of the morning Sunday and returned at midnight last night, so he went straight to bed, so I managed to get a little out of him last night, and a few words this morning. I hope to hear more later.</p>

<p>UA has shot up to the top of the list. He loved everything about Bama and CBHP. Not a thing that he disliked. This was his first trip to Bama, so we mainly discussed the school in general. He was really impressed. He was amazed by the campus - loved the architecture (and the weather.) He said some buildings looked like they were transplanted from Greece. He knew the dorms would be luxurious, so he wasn’t in awe. He just said “they are ridiculous.” He was amazed by the staff and current CBHPers – he felt like they were a family that he would love to be part of. </p>

<p>He went a little concerned that it wouldn’t have the cultural offerings that bigger cities have. I was told that they would take them downtown, but he never saw it. However, he said he felt like campus a place where he wouldn’t ever be bored even if there isn’t much in t-town, so that’s no longer a concern.</p>

<p>He said the other candidates were extremely bright and people he could see spending four years with. He didn’t see any bad behavior, but he’s not one to rat others out. lol He also said most seemed to have a specific research area of interest, which I thought might be helpful info for future applicants. He does, but I’m not sure if he discussed it in his essay. He also said almost all were NMF, so he was in the minority! I noticed on the sheet that the vast majority were engineering/CS majors, then hard science/math, and a couple of business. It doesn’t appear that all the finalists were listed though – maybe just the ones in attendance. The dinner tables looked to be grouped by major, which made me wonder if they are competing against just the kids in the same major. They were asked about where else they applied – many were waiting on ivy decisions, and some already were accepted to MIT, etc. He felt like they were really feeling out their level of interest. </p>

<p>He was really impressed that a current CBHP was accepted to Phd programs at Stanford and MIT, but I haven’t heard about the research presentations yet.</p>

<p>He said 4 people interviewed him, but most everyone else said they only had 1 interviewer. He refuses to prep for interviews, so a couple questions threw him off guard. He felt the interview went well, but he’s an optimist! </p>

<p>I was hoping he’d meet some potential roommates, but he said the big group evening activities and then separate Monday schedules weren’t conducive to really getting to know people well in just 36 hours. He also said most already seemed at least semi-committed to Bama and had already found their roommates on FB. We are really behind the eight ball – we still have a bunch of schools he needs to visit, so he hasn’t deposited.</p>