Gates Millennium Scholarship 2009-2010

<p>Aw, I’m sorry to hear that original. I wish you luck in all that you do!</p>

<p>I found out that I wasn’t pell grant eligble a little after I sent in my Gates application. I kinda knew that I wasn’t going to get Ron Brown, but I applied anyway. I have applied for about 10 scholarships, and have only has confirmation on one, so hopefully, this scholarship search gets better in a couple months. =]</p>

<p>Wow, I didn’t know so many people weren’t eligible for the Pell Grant. :confused: It’s pretty sad, but since everyone seems to be very dedicated in receiving a college education, I am sure things will work out for the best. :D</p>

<p>I haven’t even finished my FAFSA since my mom is overseas, but she comes back tomorrow, so I’m thinking it will take around a week to finish our 2008 income taxes and I will just need to submit it. I’m so glad the wait is almost over. Less than a month left. :O</p>

<p>Also, I’ve only applied for around 6 or 7 scholarships and have been rejected for each. I never knew it could be so discouraging! Anyway, best of luck to everyone & keep applying for more scholarships. ;</p>

<p>pshh. I knew this would happen! darn! I didn’t get ron brown. That’s #14 of scholarships I’ve been rejected to since last year! O well…hopefully I’ll get something. Good Luck to everyone on all the other scholarships!</p>

<p>p.s. Did anyone apply for the RMHC African American Achievers scholarship yet? I know the deadline’s today but I have no idea when anybody would be contacted!</p>

<p>I didn’t apply for RMHC African American Acheivers. I was all super excited to apply for it, and then found out I wasn’t eligible lol. But, I would think that people would be notified middle or late March. I am glad I am not the only person who as applied to a lot of scholarships, and hasn’t been winning anything. :)</p>

<p>yea, lol. stay strong ! our time will come lmao ! stinks you werent eligible. good luck with your other scholarships !</p>

<p>We have to be persistant! Our time has to come lmao! It does stink, but good luck to you and everyone else who applied :)</p>

<p>thankss! You too!</p>

<p>yeah, good luck everybody! I applied for the RMHC African-American Achievers Scholarship too. I’ve applied to around 15 scholarships in total. I haven’t heard back from any yet. I’m just hoping for the best.</p>

<p>I hate how scholarships make you wait for their decisions. Why can’t it be a three week notification? :D</p>

<p>According to post#20 here
<a href=“[/url]”>;/a&gt;&lt;/p&gt;

<p>The Pell grant maximum EFC has gone up. Hope this makes some of you eligible.</p>

<p>so does anyone know when the first responses arrive?

<p>Hey everybody! I thought I’d go ahead and revive this thread. I called the GMS number and it said that they would notify nominees of their status in early March. Well, March officially begins tomorrow! I doubt they’re gonna send out notifications next week, but there’s always that possibility. Good luck everybody! As the days continue to pass, I’m getting more and more nervous! This next month and a half is gonna cause me to have a breakdown. With financial aid award letters coming out, final college acceptance/rejection notifications, and scholarship award/rejection notifications, it’s gonna be super stressful! I’m sure everybody here is in the same boat. We need group therapy. XP</p>

<p>oh how i want to know…
despite that my chances are slimmer than getting into school like an ivy (percentage wise), im still gonna be confident.

<p>EEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee it’s March!</p>

<p>can’t wait!!!</p>

wow well though its not related, i am excited for my friend.
if u guys/gals need some background info, its considered number 1 liberal arts school/military school. basically ur set for life if you graduate. FREE TUITION and Allowance woot! but u have to serve 5 years after graduation which is something he somewhat desires to do…</p>

<p>anyways going along, next two months are going to be the best or worst months ever!

<p>ps- does anyone know how much “stipend” u get from being a gsm scholar??
jus curious :p</p>

<p>we should find out if we’re finalists on the tenth right? meaning three days left??</p>

<p>I completed my FAFSA on February 1st but i still have no idea if i’m eligible for pell grants or not.</p>

<p>How do I find out? Does it say anywhere?</p>

<p>Also, were we supposed to send anything to the Gates Foundation regarding our pell grants eligibility?</p>

<p>Like I submitted all my application and stuff but I didn’t send in any extra stuff regarding pell grants…</p>

<p>Is it okay as long as I submitted my FAFSA?</p>

<p>I’m really really confused and i’m kinda freaking out.</p>

<p>Can someone help me pleeeeeez?</p>

<p>Oh yeah. and good luck to everyone :smiley: The decisions are coming out very soon. right?</p>

<p>You can tell from your EFC (which you should have if you submitted FAFSA). For 2009-2010 an EFC of 4617 or below makes you Pell eligible. 4618 and higher makes you not eligible for the Pell.</p>