Gates Millennium Scholarship 2009-2010

<p>I’m hoping that decisions come out early next week! I’m really, really nervous! XI</p>

<p>Rhomanticist:If we get selected as finalist, they’ll ask us to send in our SAR that tells them our pell grant eligibility status.</p>

<p>Thank you guys for your replies!
I just checked my FAFSA and it says that my EFC is 6045…
I’m so bummed…
i wasted my time for nothing… frikkin 8 essays. sigh…
So this means that I will NOT get a scholarship no matter what? =(</p>

<p>Aw, I’m sorry to hear that Rhomanticist. =( I wish you the best in everything you do. I’m sure there are other scholarships out there waiting for you.</p>

<p>hey you guys, i have a question.
i was looking through last year’s thread but didnt find my answer.</p>

<p>once people are notified as finalists, they need to send proof of the pell grant thing.</p>

<p>they just want your fafsa SAR? no taxes or anything? also, what do they want with the citizenship thing? my fafsa says we have to send notification to the schools, but still havent done so.</p>

<p>i am asking this because up to this point, my fafsa is estimated (though accurate). also, b/c since my parents are divorced, the fafsa doesnt take into account my non custodial parent.</p>

<p>thanks in advance and good luck! letters must comethis week</p>

<p>btw, i read that some states only got 1 winner. WTH???</p>

<p>my school last year had 4, lol, and a couple before last year. if you look at it in terms of chances, i think mines decrease =D</p>

<p>Hm, I doubt they would need your taxes and I’ve never heard of needing a citizenship thing. Then again, I’m sure someone else has a better answer. Waaaiitt, then I have a question. When will they mail us our SAR or EFC thing? Or, are we allowed to print it all out online? I just finished my FAFSA last week since my mom just got back from Taiwan. I haven’t received anything from them in the mail yet, although I’m thinking it may take longer.</p>

<p>About the winners, I think it depends more on your essays, rather than what school you come from. I don’t think your chances have decreased if you put a lot of time and effort in them. :smiley: Be positive! </p>

<p>Aside from that, I’ve been checking my Yahoo!mail like crazy. Any day now. I’m praying, hoping, wishing, and believing things will work out. :stuck_out_tongue: Best of luck, everyone. And sorry RoflcopterSoi for not having good answers. I tried. ;</p>

<p>I think everybody who did their FAFSA online can just print out their SAR. I’m really, really nervous! I hope that we get notification sometime this week! I can’t even go to school tomorrow because I have a doctor’s appointment. The doctor’s probably gonna wonder why my blood pressure is so high! lol! This college deal has pretty much wore me out and I’m not even there yet. haha! Good luck everyone! Let’s all hold hands and sing kumbaya?</p>

<p>Do they look at our pell grants eligibility before they send out the finalist decisions?
Or do they look at it after they choose the finalists??</p>

<p>And if I make a correction to my FAFSA right now and lower my EFC, would that make me eligible? =(</p>

<p>thanks for your help everyone and good luck!!</p>


<p>once u become a finalist u send them the SAR.
then, if you become a scholar, u have to send them all the info of ur financial aid package (basically the summary that the school gives u)</p>

<p>But remember your FAFSA must reflect your true financial position. If the information in it is accurate then you cannot just change it to reduce your EFC. However if you entered estimates for income and now have actual tax returns you can (and must) correct FAFSA to reflect the more accurate information. You are not supposed to change any asset information however as this is supposed to reflect the assets on the day you initially filed FAFSA.</p>

<p>so the 10th is when the notify the semi finalist?
or thats what someone said previously on this thread</p>

<p>I don’t know if it’s the 10th, but going by last year’s threads, it might be sometime this week! I really hope so! Then again, I don’t know if I can take rejection that well. XP lol!</p>

<p>Oh gosh. I just want this to be overrrrr. I have estimated it will come out sometime late this week. It makes me feel sick to my stomach just thinking about it. We’re almost there. :open_mouth: I feel like we have each worked so gosh dang hard. Aghhhhhh. I’m sure it will all pay off, one way or another.</p>

<p>So now is about the time these semifinalist/finalist packages arrive (assuming from last years thread)</p>

<p>so if you guys get one, share the good news with us!</p>

<p>good luck to everyone!!!</p>

<p>aghhhh the anticipation is killing me. do they notify by email or snail mail?</p>

<p>I believe they notify us by both e-mail and snail mail. Dun dun dunnn. I called the toll-free number and they still have no new information. It keeps saying “early March.” Any day now. :O</p>

<p>Just a note for those of you who make semi- finalist, notifications of receiving the actual scholarship are VERY spread out. For instance, last year, my D mailed her documents the same day as another student (from Georgia also) and the other student got notified approx 3 weeks before D received hers. Just thought it might be helpful to know so when some start getting their Scholar notification, just TRY too be patient. :)</p>

<p>WHAT is this with people saying semi-finalist and finalist?</p>

<p>arent there onnly finalists and then gates scholars?</p>

<p>Sorry, I don’t remember what the “status” was, either semi, or finalist, too many scholarship apps were filled out last year to remember classifications for each, sorry. If you are notified this week that you have made it to the “finals”, then all there is is submitting final documentation. Good luck all.</p>