<p>Any recommendations for GE Category 2?</p>
<p>I'm sort of deciding between REL134 (Introduction to Buddhist Literature) with Lori Meeks and EALC110 (East Asian Humanities: The Great Tradition) with George Hayden. Which one's the better choice and why? Which do you think will be easier too? </p>
<p>From what I read from course evaluations, ratemyprof, and course guide, Hayden's class will be boring but the topic sounds pretty interesting to me. So I really don't know if it's such a good idea to take the class :/</p>
<p>I took EALC 110 and got a B- the lectures are very boring and they take attendance so you have to show up. Some of the reading is interesting since it’s more philosophy than dry history. Most of the grade is the papers and midterms which weren’t too bad.</p>
<p>My suggestion for all the GEs, take something that interests you even if people say it’s “hard.” In my experience, I’ve done mediocre in the classes I had no interest in and great in the ones I did have an interest, so even if the class is considered hard, you’ll probably do no worse than you would in an “easy class” that doesn’t interest you.</p>
<p>I’m scared of the class because of the essay exams. Is it really hard to get an A in that class? I have math and science classes to worry about so I’m trying to find a somewhat relaxing class to lighten my load.
REL134 seems pretty interesting to me too, but I’d prefer EALC110, just that I don’t want to go to class just to sleep. It’s pretty pointless.</p>
<p>I probably did about 1/2 of the assigned reading. Do all the reading and do good work on your papers and you’ll be fine.</p>
<p>The booklist just came out, and there are 5 books required. I had a preview of the books in Google Books and thought they were dull
Is it a lot of reading in the class? It would be painful if I’ll have to read about half of each book. I’m not much of reader…</p>
<p>Have you heard anything about AHIS 125g: Arts of Asia: Antiquity to 1300?</p>
<p>TAKE ANTH 263g Exploring Cultures Through Film with BOEHM. Very chill class. NO TESTS (other prof gives tests, so GET BOEHM: He is AWESOME. <3).
There are 3 papers: 2 field work assignments (interviews + essay) and a final paper. Good TA means you’ll be graded pretty easy. I believe you can submit the paper again if you don’t like your grade. There’s like 5-6 required books (generally all very cheap if you get them off the internet. You can also borrow some from the library), that are mostly very interesting reads. You get to read personal accounts about cultures like Chimpanzees (by Jane Goodall <3), the Yanomamo, etc. You also watch a movie each week on Wednesday that you take notes on and turn in for attendance. There are also weekly reading assignments that you may or may not have to read (I mean, it’s not like you’re tested on it =P And you only need some quotes for the papers). You only have to write half a page for the reading assignment and the movie on Wednesday to get credit. Discussions are chill, the TA I had left, but he liked to ask us thought-provoking questions to get us talking. If you don’t want to do the final paper, you can do a video instead because there’s this MDA 40 class (if you need 2 extra units) that goes with this class.</p>
<p>Does anyone know any easy GE category I classes? Thanks, and sorry if this isn’t exactly part of the topic.</p>