GED/Transfer Acceptance - U of Alabma

Long story short, decided to become an adult early in life and had a child during high school. In stead of graduating Hs, I opted for my GED. Now Alabama requires a minimum GED score of 510, my GED score was 2900. Started community college and had 2 remedial classes to take, of which I aced my first semester. However, my second semester I went through a nasty divorce and became a single parent and my grades completely bombed. I applied for Alabama and my status says decision made and decision letter mailed. I did not have access to degree works until today and I noticed that all of transcripts were uploaded and they accepted 14 of my 18 cc credits. With this being said, degree works reflects a status of “applicant”, app status reflects “decision made/decision letter sent” but I don’t have the student tab or access to the freshman links… any advice on what to expect?