Transferring to the University of Alabama

I am a current student at a community college in Alabama. I’m currently in my second semester of college. I recently applied to the University of Alabama. What are my chances of getting accepted? Since I currently have less than 24 hours it says I have to send in my highschool transcript and ACT score. I was wondering if someone else didn’t submit that and still got accepted. my last semesters GPA was a 2.8.

If it says you need to submit your high school transcript and ACT score, I doubt they’ll waive that unless you have extenuating circumstances. Frankly, a 2.8 is not all that great. There are MANY more distractions on a bigger campus. If you’re living away from home for the first time, remember there will be nobody there to make sure you get up and go to class, or study. Make sure you’re ready emotionally as well as academically.

Thanks for the advice!