General Honors Program?

<p>Is it possible to be selected for the General Honors Program if you applied early decision? I fulfill the criteria stated on the website, but I have not been selected as far as I know. Has anyone who applied early decision ever been chosen? Thanks in advance :)</p>

<p>As I recall, the letter for the general honors program was sent out a few weeks after EA decisions, so I believe it’s a separate process than receiving your admission decision.</p>

<p>Thank you! Are you in the honors program? If so, what were your stats?</p>

<p>I am, but I may not be for long, it doesn’t seem to be very well worth it for my situation. I had 1510 SAT, 35 ACT, 4.0 UW, 13/341 class rank or something like that.</p>

<p>Wow that’s impressive! May I ask what you mean by “not well worth it for your situation?”</p>

<p>Well, the main requirement for the honors program is to complete 24 credits of honors classes. The problem is that the selection of honors classes is very small, and for someone like me who is a Foote Fellow (basically an honors program on steroids, don’t have to take gen eds) and a triple major, those honors classes would mean actively seeking out classes that I don’t particularly want to/have to take, interfering with the classes I need for my majors. I’m very seriously considering dropping out of it for this reason. But don’t let my experience discourage you, if you do get into the honors program and are able to find enough honors classes that you need/enjoy, they are usually better taught than the non-honors classes. I gave it a try and it didn’t work out, I suggest that if you’re invited you should stick with it for a few semesters, and if it’s not right for you it’s not a big deal to drop out of it.</p>

<p>Okay; thank you so much for your advice! Wow, a triple major? That’s ambitious! Haha I wish you a lot of luck! Sorry to interrogate you, but may I ask what those majors are?</p>

<p>Haha, thanks! It’s not a problem, that’s what I’m here for. I have majors in Marine Science, Biology, and Math, and a minor in Psychology.</p>

<p>That’s amazing!! You’re so smart haha :slight_smile: Thanks again :slight_smile:
If you don’t mind me asking, do you live on campus? If so, which dorm? :)</p>

<p>DS chose to do the Honors Program and graduated with Honors last May. DD is currently at the U and did not choose the program for the same reasons that Marinebio444 had…(does not go along with the Foote Fellow program) From DS’ experience, the Honors classes were more challenging, smaller groups, great profs. He was able to get a few regular classes and then talked to the prof about him taking it as Honors to fulfill his requirements. Most profs don’t have a problem with it, as there are fewer Honors choices and they know it. Each year the Honors program is improving, so I’d consider it a good option.</p>

<p>NarissaBabie, thanks, haha. It’s actually not bad at all, I love the math classes I’ve taken so far, and it got me out of having to take Orgo 2, so I’d say it was a good decision :stuck_out_tongue: I do live on campus, currently residing in Pearson. I lived in Hecht last year.</p>