honors program?

<p>Has anyone hear if the got into any of the honors programs</p>

<p>In the packet I got in the mail today it said that merit scholarship recipients do not have to participate in the honors program, so I guess that means if you received a merit scholarship you’re in the Honors school? I’m not sure.</p>

<p>[Entrance</a> Requirements | University of Miami](<a href=“http://www.miami.edu/index.php/honors_program_home/entrance_requirements/]Entrance”>http://www.miami.edu/index.php/honors_program_home/entrance_requirements/) </p>

<p>This is a link to the honors program website. It looks like they take the top 10% of incoming freshman and you would get an official invite.</p>

<p>You don’t have to apply, you just qualify and get a letter to participate when you’re here in the fall. It’s sort-of pointless and actually disadvantageous in a sense if you’re a Foote Fellow. It’s also skewed… I came in with a 35 ACT and a 3.98 UW GPA but because I went to a competitive HS where I was ranked 40th of 500 by GPA, I wasn’t ranked “high enough” for the UM honors program. Their loss. I wouldn’t have done it anyways, for the reasons I mentioned above.</p>

<p>What is a Foote Fellow?</p>

<p>Google has this wonderful feature called “search”… :wink:
[Departmental</a> Honors Programs | University of Miami](<a href=“http://www.miami.edu/index.php/academicbulletin/GeneralUniversityInformation/honors_program/departmental_honors_programs/]Departmental”>http://www.miami.edu/index.php/academicbulletin/GeneralUniversityInformation/honors_program/departmental_honors_programs/)</p>