<p>I recently received a letter in the mail from Colgate and it made the school seem very interesting. I would like to find out some general information about Colgate such as its reputation for economics, the average amount of financial aid help, and the atmosphere. I am a sophmore in high school with a 4.0 GPA, a 27 composite on the PLAN (PACT), and a 183 on the PSAT. I am taking a language usage and grammar course next year to help improve my english scores, which definately effected my total scores. I am also a varsity wrestler.</p>
<p>I suggest that you read through some of the threads and College Pr*owler’s book, they’re pretty much dead on right about Colgate.</p>
<p>1) Econ department is excellent and is one of the most popular majors. They really prep their students for real-life finances and economics.</p>
<p>2) Depends where you stand… but Colgate is very attentive to students’ financial needs.</p>
<p>3) Read through some of the threads about the atmosphere on campus. Remember it’s in a rural area that fosters a very tight knit community where profs and students run into each other outside of classroom on regular basis. Everyone watches out for each other. We all work very hard but we play hard as well. It’s also a veryyyy student-driven and involved campus so it’s a lot of responsiblity to be a Colgate student :)</p>