generic chance me thread, non-generic student

<p>I am not completely freaking out about getting into the most selective schools in the nation like Harvard and Princeton. I know that they wont accept me if they don't think I'll excel in their institutions, and I don't really want to go to a school that I won't do well in. Basically, I have realistic expectations and I know it's not the end of the world if I don't get into the best school possible. That being said, this is where I stand:</p>

<p>I am a junior in HS. I got a 2160 on the SAT my second time taking it.</p>

<p>Math: 740
Reading: 690
Writing: 730</p>

<p>(side-note: will that 690 make that much of a difference in comparison to a 700?)</p>

<p>I did not take the ACT, and I am not sure if there is a point. I did not take any SAT II test yet, but I am registered for the next available session. I am taking math I, which I can easily get in the mid to high 700's on. I also may take chemistry if necessary, which I could pull off a low 700's on. I'd prefer not to have to take this one. Do I have to take 2 SAT II's?</p>

<p>This is my Junior year course load and grades. Keep in mind that I attend a parochial school with a dual curriculum, so any topic that you don't recognize is probably a Judaic class. Also, the school does not give A+, so A is the maximum grade.</p>

<p>AP English Language and Composition: A-
AP Chemistry: A-
AP Psychology: A
Honors American History: A/A-
Accelerated Pre-Calculus: B
Tanach (College Prep): A
Talmud (College Prep): A-
Hebrew Language: A-</p>

<p>I don't remember the exact classes and grades from my sophomore and freshman years, but the general studies classes (non-Judaic stuff) were all accelerated and honors classes, and I had around a 3.6/3.7 unweighted gpa. This is my course load for next year (senior year):</p>

<p>AP English Literature
AP Statistics
AP Biology
Calculus (not tracked)
Jewish History (not tracked)
Talmud (College Prep)
Tanach (College Prep)
Hebrew Language (College Prep)</p>

<p>I might be missing one, but I don't think so.</p>

<p>My school day is from 8:00 am to 5:00 pm. When I have after school sports, I get out at 7:30pm, and when I have away games I generally get home at 11:00 pm. These are my extracurriculars (take note that I am assuming what will happen in my senior year).</p>

<p>Varsity Wrestling: 4x varsity starter. 2x Captain. Junior record 16-5, Sophomore record 15-6 (I think), Freshman record 6-12 (pathetic, but it was my first year). I was able to wrestle on par with district and regional place winners with only 3 years of wrestling experience. 2x most improved, 1x MVP. 2x 3rd place in national yeshiva tournament, 1x first place. I've been heavily involved in wrestling clubs and camps these past few years.</p>

<p>Varsity Soccer: 2x varsity. Halfway through the season in my Junior year, I thought it would be fun to join the soccer team. I had no real experience, and didn't expect to get any playing time, but at least I was in shape from wrestling and could last longer than many of the starters. I also had very aggressive instinct from wrestling, and apparently I am a natural athlete, despite never playing sports as a child, because I improved my game enough in just 1 month to be a regular player. Next year I will be a defensive starter.</p>

<p>West Point Summer Leadership Seminar: Here is the description quoted from the official website:</p>

<p>"The United States Military Academy hosts the Summer Leaders Seminar (SLS) for high school juniors going into their senior year. The weeklong program of academic classes, military training, physical fitness training and intramural athletics gives students the opportunity to experience cadet life and to see first-hand what West Point has to offer.</p>

<p>Each year 800 highly talented high school juniors are invited to attend the SLS, which is led and supervised by West Point cadets entering their final or "Firstie" year.</p>

<p>I have opened up a file at West Point and am currently ranked first in my congressional district among students seeking admission into West Point.</p>

<p>I took an introductory law course at Columbia University last summer in which I received an A. This was not for college credit. My instructor wrote in his evaluation that he would unequivocally recommend me to the college of my choice.</p>

<p>Over the past few summers, I have worked various jobs, such as golf caddying, construction, and painting (not the art kind, the building a house kind).</p>

<p>Next summer, I will take an introductory course in Business at Columbia University. I am also taking an all-day EMT training course 3 days a week so I can be an EMT by next school year. Also, 2 or 3 days a week I will be at wrestling practice with a public school team that I have connections with. On this team is a national champion, and the head coach (my old coach) coached Gene Mills, Olympic champion. Just a point of interest.</p>

<p>I also did a bunch of other random stuff that I don't remember, and that probably don't hold much merit. Speaking of merit, I am a national merit commended student (although I haven't been disqualified from anything yet, I'm waiting to hear from them. I got a 201 on the PSAT).</p>

<p>I have killer recommendation letters from my guidance councilor and my teachers. I didn't yet write my personal statements, but I have a talent for writing and quite a bit to write about, so they should be superb.</p>

<p>You have my gratitude if you managed to read through all that. I wanted to make it as precise as possible and eliminate any guesswork on your part. These are the colleges that I am considering; please chance me at:</p>

<p>University of Pennsylvania
University of Miami
University of Miami Honors Program
NYU Stern
NYU (regular)
Duke (Someone in my family is on the board of trustees).
University of Michigan
Brandeis University

<p>And just for the hell of it, Harvard.</p>

<p>Bump, sorry but it was no longer on the first page and I have no responses yet</p>

<p>Your SATs may be a little low for the Ivies (not sure about UMich, NW and Miami).
I would say that NYU and Brandeis are matches… But then again, I’m no expert.
You got a lot of ECs which I think is good because it really show that you are diverse in your interests.
You are also a non-traditional students which will be a plus in schools with smaller Jewish student body.
I would say go for it and apply… What’s the worst that could happen?
Lucky for you, an Israeli stumbled upon your thread, so I know exactly what all of those things are… What school do you go to?</p>