Geneseo Edgar Fellows or Stony Brook Honors?

<p>My son is having difficulty deciding between Stony Brook's honors program and Geneseo's Edgar Fellows program. Pros of SB: closer to home, has Marching Band which he wants to join, many majors to choose from (he is undecided major), full tuition scholarship. Pros of G: nicer campus, less crowded dorms, Edgar Fellows hard to turn down, $2000 scholarship. Looking at it this way, SB seems the better choice, but that Edgar Fellows program is very attractive. Does anyone think that should sway him toward G? Thanks for any opinions/suggestions!</p>

<p>I’m currently in the Edgar Fellows Program at Geneseo, and honestly they make it seem much better than it actually is. Yes, the $2000 scholarship is great, but the required classes just aren’t as interesting as one would think and freshmen in the program are forced to live in Wayne Hall which most people have a love/hate relationship with because of its small size and quiet atmosphere.</p>

<p>Wayne? I thought they live in Dante?</p>

<p>It’s the same thing. Wayne Hall was the original name but since it’s also a Residential House it has the name Dante House. There are also two other dorms like this on campus (Putnam/EcoHouse and Seneca/Writers House).</p>