Geneseo's extra steps

<p>My daughter visited Geneseo this summer. A week after we returned home she received a hand written thank you note from the student tour guide. A few weeks after that she received a package from Geneseo containing a t-shirt and a note from the director of admissions thanking her for visiting the campus. Is this the normal protocol for Geneseo or is it a good sign that they are interested in her? Either way, we were very impressed with this extra touch.</p>

<p>wow! My daughter and I went on a tour and had a nice conversation with the admissions director. No letter, no shirt. I’d be very encouraged if I were you! Do they know your daughter’s stats? I hope my daughter is accepted there, but it is SO competitive</p>

<p>Thanks for the reply ny mom. She had to fill out a form when we were there which included her stats (they are pretty good). Geneseo may have just started this t-shirt thing. Good luck.</p>

<p>That’s pretty impressive, for a state school no less. We have visited approx. 10 schools and that’s the only one I’ve heard of following up with a shirt afterwards. A few give a shirt for visiting but sending it later is a nice touch. I’ll keep my fingers crossed for you, 3G, that it’s a good sign.</p>

<p>D got a Geneseo T-shirt two years ago after a visit, she was accepted 2008. they also sent another with acceptance along with the window decal.</p>

<p>The T-shirt and letter isn’t sent to everyone. This was a subtle hint that your daughter has a good chance of being admitted. And, yes, Geneseo has been doing this for a couple years.</p>

<p>Ehh…it is not really based upon your daughters stats. Yes, Geneseo does only send certain students these packages. However, it is not dependent upon one’s individual academic stats.</p>

<p>Admissions will send these out to individuals who are considering a unique major, are from an underrepresented region either out of state or instate, etc.</p>

<p>Thanks for your take on it. My daughter doesn’t fall into any unique categories though. She wants to major in english and we are from a high school in upstate NY that has sent a lot of kids to Geneseo, so I don’t think she stands out in that way.</p>

<p>My son visited 4 years ago and got the t-shirt and handwritten note and was accepted. Another student we know, last year, had very good stats and visited but didn’t get the shirt or acceptance. Coincidence? Maybe but that was our experience. By the way our son had no idea of a major is not URM or geograpgically unique. Our son is a senior and has loved his time at Geneseo. Good luck it is a great school.</p>

<p>I didn’t get a t-shirt after I visited.</p>

<p>I got one when I was accepted.</p>