In case you are waiting for ED.......

<p> my son is, a friend of his, a Hispanic female, received a letter stating that although the college is looking to recruit minorities, the college must ensure that they can do the work. This letter informed the girl that she could take summer classes there, be assigned a counselor, etc. etc. The girls GPA was the same as my son, 92, but her SAT scores were like 190 pts. lower, 1710 vs 1900 (I'm superscoring his, don't know how many times she took it, etc. etc.). I don't know what her HS schedule was like. My son had 5-6 AP classes.</p>

<p>My son did not recieve this letter, so we are cautiously optimistic. He also e mailed a person in Admissions twice. He was getting a little nervous when he didn't receive an answer within a week of the first e mail, LOL. Anyway, the second e mail said all decsions have been made and all the letters have gone out (That was Friday, Dec. 12). It also included an exclamation mark, which we are assuming is a positive omen : )</p>

<p>Best of luck to your son. Geneseo is a very special place, and I absolutely love it despite the what at sometimes seem like impossible classes!!!</p>

<p>Its a nice little town (decorated for X-mas), the kids are great (never feel unsafe walking from south campus to north) and the school just radiates that small liberal arts college feel.</p>

<p>Hopefully your son will become apart of the Geneseo community in the next few days.</p>

<p>Thank you Sean. </p>

<p>Actually, he will be part of that community! We just heard today : )</p>

<p>I’d like to give you my son’s e mail address. Maybe you can drop him a note. I know he will think I am terribly “weird, gay, and annoying” for asking, since everything I do is weird, gay and annoying. But you know, parent thing, I gotta ask, LOL.</p>

<p>Justchuck: Congrats!!!</p>