Genius Needs Chances For Ivies!!

<p>Ok...I'm not really a genius, but chance me anyways.. :p</p>

<p>School: ** CORNELL HOTEL ED **</p>

<p>GPA: 3.7 UW, 4.0 W</p>

<p>**Went to Cornell for 2 summers<a href="2006%20&%202007">/b</a>:
-Managerial Communication (B+) [The Hotel school's program for high school students]
-Cognitive Science </p>

<p>-Class Council :Secretary (9th grade), Student Senate (10th)
-ASB (school-wide): Records and Elections Commissioner (11th), ASB Treasurer (12th)</p>

<p>Work Experience:
-Subway Restaurant
5 months, 15 hours a week</p>

<p>-**The Statler hotel @ Cornell<a href="2007%20summer">/b</a>
Housekeeping department/ Turndown service, possibly front desk later on
30 hours a week for 8 weeks of the summer</p>

<p>ACT: 27
SAT II: Math IIC- 660</p>

<p>I'm kinda worried cause my scores are a little low...but will the work experience and Cornell summers make up for it?...or should I retake both again?</p>

<p>Hotel school....not many look into it on here i guess...</p>

<p>Their yield is an amazing 80%, so I'm guessing they're looking for kids who really want to go there. You certainly fit that bill. The scores could be better (retake?) but I think you still have a good shot, especially if you apply ED.</p>

<p>Cornell Hotel school anyone?</p>

<p>retake it, you'll be lucky with a 29 if you ED</p>

<p>wow, there's a cornell hotel school.</p>

<p>That's what Cornell was famous for when it was first founded. It was the Cornell Hospitality School or something; Harvard always makes fun of them for it.</p>

<p>rofl I never knew that.</p>

<p>I'd say you're in it though. </p>

<p>gl in college =D</p>

<p>So...retake em both, eh?</p>