George Washington University Class of 2025 (ED1/2/RD)

For me, the financial aid package came around 10-15 minutes after the decision was released and the scholarship is in the decision letter.


Did anyone apply to honors? Will that decision come out with regular as well?

it says we’re notified by the end of March

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I applied, too. So, I’m just waiting with you all for that decision to come out. It’ll be a bummer if I don’t get into the honors college since I already got accepted to GW.

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Congrats on admission!


Thank you! I’ll be saying the same thing to you all some time soon!


When did you hear from GW?

I applied Early Decision so I heard back on December 17th.

Doesn’t that mean you are committed to them?

Yes, that is correct

Where do you see that form?

what is gweb? its not on my gforce and when I tried googling it it said page not available

At the bottom of your GForce page you should see this…

Helpful Links
How to access GWeb
Financing Options
Cost of Attendance
Merit Award Information

Click “How to access GWeb”

I think my gforce is broken. I have none of that

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same … im scared

for previous years, I know it was all on the same day but was it all at the same time too or batches/waves every hour or so

mine has never worked properly :sob: idek if I submitted all the required financial documents

Wait is it coming out today?

we don’t know. gw admissions sucks. prob tomorrow


For real they better hurry up