Georgetown Admissions Fall 2022

Congratulations to your daughter for both the options! Emory is an excellent except that it’s not in DC but 62K/year is lot of money.

Can you try bargaining with Georgetown showing them the Emory offer as both are comparable schools?

I definitely agree your daughter’s point of view but hard to make a decision when it comes finances as it’s a big difference. I think even emory washington semester or something.

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Does anyone know how to check financial aid offers? I was admitted EA and have received nothing in the mail. When I look online, I am also unable to access the online services using the NetID given to me in the acceptance letter.

Yo can check the status of FA offers in the student portal with given NETID and password.

Curious if anyone has learned of any movement yet on this year’s Gtown waitlist? Thanks!

Did anyone get a physical acceptance letter or package in the snail mail or only portal?

Nothing in the mail. All virtual on this end so far.

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Ya no physical, it’s been pretty disappointing.

Maybe they will only send snail mail to those who commit? Most schools send a physical acceptance letter so I am hoping they at least send that :slight_smile:

I was wondering if anyone knew where the form to say you won’t be attending after admitted is? (I’ve had it on all my other portals so far) All I can seem to find on the portal is the “Enrollment Agreement Form,” but that seems to only be for committing…

You can just email the admissions office

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For accepting the admission offer, do we just need to submit the enrollment form and deposit $900? Any other forms to fill out?

That’s it, then there should be a portal update that says they received everything and you’re good to go

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Does anyone know when newly enrolled freshmen will receive info on housing, the class registration process, and so on?

And, as a parent, I’d kind of like to know when the bills come due…

You should ask on Facebook class of 2026 parents group. It’s fairly active and responsive.

They just sent an email about housing a couple of hours ago!


Huh, DD did not receive anything. Could you paste it in?

Sure. It was sent to my Georgetown email address, not my high school one, so make sure to check! Not sure if the hyperlinks will copy through but here’s the message:

Congratulations on your acceptance to Georgetown University! As you prepare to join our residential community on the hilltop, we want to introduce you to all the ways living on campus will provide you with new opportunities to meet and live with a diverse community of fellow Hoyas.

The Office of Residential Living

The Residential Services and Residential Education teams make up the Office of Residential Living; we oversee the residential communities, providing students opportunities to engage in programs, apply for housing opportunities, and navigate safely and securely through the on-campus housing experience. These teams work to create comfortable, inclusive communities that foster your formation as a student and provide opportunities for engagement.

Residential Living Requirement

Drawing upon our longstanding commitment to the education of the whole person, Georgetown is dedicated to the development of a vibrant living-learning community. All undergraduate students are required to live on campus first-year through junior year.

Medical Accommodation

If you have a medical need that requires a certain type of housing accommodation, you must submit an accommodation request to the Academic Resource Center (ARC). To begin the process for the 2022-2023 academic year please direct your inquiry to the ARC at

  • Requests must be completed with the ARC by Friday, June 24, 2022

Residency Exemptions

Students who meet one of the four criteria for an exemption must submit the requested supporting documentation by Friday, June 24. The Residency Exemption form can be found within Hoya Housing.

First-year Housing

Please reference the First-year website which contains important information about on-campus housing at Georgetown, such as:

Review this Residential Living website carefully, noting the important dates and deadlinesof when your housing application must be submitted.

Hoya Housing Portal

Hoya Housing is your one-stop online portal to access all the resources and applications available through Residential Living. Log in to Hoya Housing using your NetID and password. This is where you will apply for housing. When housing assignments are posted in early August, you access Hoya Housing to view your room, roommate, and mailing information.

Housing Assignments & Move In

Assignment and move-in information will be emailed to students’ Georgetown email account the first week of August.

The New Student move in will be Thursday, August 18 and Friday, August 19. Students will be assigned a specific date & time according to the building they are living in; please make travel arrangements accordingly.

  • Students who are part of a PreOrientation program and arrive early will still be issued a move-in date and time if they need to utilize the move-in day assistance.

We are excited to have you join us this Fall 2022! Hoya Saxa!

Oh man. DD seems to know nothing about having a Georgetown email address and account. Do you mind telling me how you found info on your Net ID and so on? She has clearly missed something.

In the admission letter, you were given Georgetown ID and Net ID. Temporary password was given to set up admitted students portal and Georgetown email. It also said that you need to do that in 21 days, so I am not sure if that temporary password works now. You just need to call the school to reset the password.

Georgetown updated that finalized waitlist offerings through email update