Georgetown Admissions Fall 2022

Nice story, thanks for sharing!

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How do you know your interview score?

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Congrats Cascadiaparent! Please share the SAT score and uw GPA. Thanks.

Love this story! Covid silver liningsā€¦

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Our counselor said her Fiske guide says 12. I donā€™t know to which year she was referring. But basically, not likely.


Sorry, what did she mean by a 12?

As in the year she was looking at, they only took 12 off the wait list. I have no idea how accurate that is or which year it was, but she said thatā€™s what was printed in her Fiske guide.

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It does seem unlikely, and by the way, the stats were also included in the letter they got, reported by college. Two years ago GU accepted a lot (when so many students deferred) and last year very few (in fact NONE in the college), which corresponds with so many schools last year over-enrolling. This year is yet a different weird dynamic so really hard to predict. For what itā€™s worth, the fact that schools call multiple people before getting one to commit isnā€™t factored into the numbers. They ask, ā€œIf I offered you a spot on the waitlist would you accept?ā€ BEFORE offering, so they donā€™t have to include it in their stats. A faint glimpse of hopeā€¦best of luck.

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My son is also a sophomore at Georgetown and had the exact same experience; deferred then waitlisted, then extended waitlist at least a couple of times, then admitted in August about three weeks before the start of school. I agree that there was definitely a class shaping component but I also think that COVID played a big role. Georgetown was remote for the entire 2020-2021 academic year and they were very clear from their communications that if you accepted their offer you would be going to school remotely for the foreseeable future. So in short I donā€™t think his experience is representative of a typical admissions year.


I agree with you 100 on the Covid factor - and if some are to be believed ā€¦ they didnā€™t go to the WL at all last year for the college? - so I think the WL possibilities swing wildly year to year based on yield -

Any thoughts on how safe the Georgetown campus is? D22 is strongly considering Georgetown.

Very. The campus is surrounded by million dollar homes.

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Multimillion townhomes and DCā€™s most prestigious neighborhood with high end restaurants in addition.

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Need some advices. D22 was accepted to both Georgetown and Emory. She has a scholarship at Emory to cover full tuition. We will have to pay all tuition at Georgetown. She has not decided on her major, leaning towards Political Science. We as parents thought she would choose Emory as an easy pick. But she said she really liked Georgetown for its location and possible internship opportunities. Does Georgetown worth the 62k per year difference? I know Georgetown has a T14 law school. My daughter is only 17 and she may change her mind about what she wants to do after the college. We are not rich. Both my husband and I work so we donā€™t qualify for FA. We have some 529 savings, enough to cover 2 yearā€™s tuition. Any advice or insight is appreciated.

It is tough. You need to tell her you can not afford Georgetown based on the financial aid award, but can help fund a summer or Semester in DC. Use the college loan calculators to show her what the payments would be for loans for the final two years - over $120,000 would be too much.

Is the Georgetown net price calculator far off from what their financial aid award is?

The Emory scholarship will allow her to graduate debt free with the money you have in the 529s with a short time in DC.

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A good friendā€™s daughter is a recent Emory graduate. It wasnā€™t her first choice, but it turned out to be the perfect place for her. She loved her classes and had a terrific social life. Sheā€™s now in a highly selective graduate program at an Ivy League university. I canā€™t think of a single current Emory student or recent grad who has anything but great things to say about it. Unless the difference in cost wonā€™t incur a mountain of debt, I wouldnā€™t hesitate to push her to Emory.


Thanks for your advice. Can she take classes at Georgetown during summer if she is not a student at Georgetown?

Absolutely, many colleges do this. Georgetown:

Emory has a program with American as well:

And beyond DC, Emory encourages her to explore the world:

Thank you

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