Georgetown...are you just a number?

<p>I haven't visited Georgetown yet. I'm in love with their School of Foreign Service for I am very internationally-oriented and I'm torn between a career in law or medicine. However, I've been told by several people from all walks of life that because of the size of Georgetown and amongst other factors, that undergrads are just a "number".</p>

<p>Can someone please confirm this?</p>

<p>Seriously? I am not currently attending Georgetown but I have never heard that. When I went to the information session there, they stressed that 98% of classes are taught by actual professors (rarely any TAs) and that it is impossible for you not to get asked by administrators/counselors "How are you doing?" and that everyone checks in on you all the time. My tour guide was saying how his professors liked to take his students out to dinner and how he had a special rapport with one teacher in particular and how they made a real effort to get to know the students. It truly seemed like a caring and warm environment.</p>

<p>Anyway, my point is that in my perception of Georgetown, (so I guess you might take that with a grain of salt) the individual attention that the school gives its students is one of its attributes. All of the alums I know have a great love toward their school and my interviewer stressed the wonderful undergraduate experience he had there (I was in the process of applying for the SFS and he was an SFS graduate..he actually met his wife there). </p>

<p>Just offering my opinion as someone who really, really loved Georgetown during the application process. Any current or past Georgetown students can feel free to contradict what I just stated.</p>