Georgetown Early Action for Fall 2022 Admission

omg i started praying a miracle novena…and i dont pray that much for a catholic.

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lmao my friend did one for me too for my EA schools

that sounds horrible oh my god :sob:

i have like 10 different families praying for me rn :skull:

Im kinda apprehensive to share my stats but here goes:
1350 SAT
4.3 GPA
9 APs, 6 Honors
7+ Leadership positions in and outside of school clubs, founder of one club
Creator & Content Writer of a law blog used for part of my AP Gov curriculum and outside of it since it’s my passion project
Creator & Content Writer of a cancer awareness blog bc of my position as social medis coordinator for a non-profit I’m a part of
6 international awards, 7 national honors & awards, and some regional ones
500+ community service hours I get from 4 organizations
4 jobs from internships to teaching/tutoiring positions

I’m working on my LOCI rn tho ;-;

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i would simply pass away

one hour and we find out if our theory was correct

Ok idk if it’s just me or not, but I submitted Georgetown first out of all my schools and I feel like I’ve gotten so much better at accurately representing myself and writing about my interests and activities as I’ve worked on all my other apps. Unfortunate that I can’t really apply all the college app skills that I’ve developed for my first choice except for in my LOCI

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do you guys know if the checklist goes away? i know it does for other schools but i’m not sure about georgetown

Literally, watch us be wrong :sob:

I think it might for RD but I haven’t seen anything that indicates that it goes away for EA

no genuinely this is my situation too

bye why did i have the same dream two nights ago-

if decisions come out today and i’m accepted, i will not be going to school tomorrow


that’ll be my rebellious phase

i’ve missed too much school for that sadly :heart:

i made a deal with my strict russian mother that if i get accepted she has to let me throw a party :smirk_cat:

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if i get accepted i’ll be fleeing the country for a month as i go clubbing in paris 🧑‍🍳

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If I get accepted, I will convert to Catholicism

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because it’s going to take intervention from some sort of higher power to get me into Georgetown