Georgetown Early Action for Fall 2022 Admission

I believe you can send a LOCI to the “upload materials” section if you want.

I found info here from previous conversation.

Perfect, thanks for sharing. That thread also reminded me to call the admissions office tomorrow and ask about decision day…not expecting any new info, but it’s always worth a try. I’ll update here.


Please let us know what you find out!

i’m so nervous of getting deferred to then have to wait until April to get rejected to be honest. i wish i could get a 100% answer next week.

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i think my counselors send mid year reports themselves through the program we use. i want to send a letter of continued interest if i don’t get accepted during early action so they see I’m still adamant on georgetown.

Just called in to the admissions office. They have no new info.

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Even though results haven’t come out yet, I just wanted to say good job to everyone!! We should be so incredibly proud of ourselves that we submitted our Georgetown applications, have worked so hard throughout high school, and are putting ourselves out there. No matter the outcome, I’m so proud of everyone and wish you all the best :slight_smile:


Yep, so proud of everyone here (even though there aren’t that many :pensive:) and excited to see where people end up. This has been quite the journey.

Based on prior years, do you think decisions will be released this Sunday, Dec. 12th or Weds., Dec., 15th?

My daughter isn’t on this site but I’ll keep you posted when she receives her decision.

I’m guessing the 15th. So far, I haven’t seen anything that indicates it’s coming sooner (besides maybe the application portal space thing I brought up earlier), so I think they might be sticking to the scheduled date. When I called in today, the person on the phone sounded a bit frantic and frazzled…not sure if that means anything, but it could indicate that they’re swamped and having to work hard to get all decisions done on time (which lends credence to my 12/15 guess). Hopefully it’s earlier, though!

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Thank you for the information! She doesn’t have a #1 school yet but decided to apply EA to a few schools. Is Georgetown your first choice?

At the moment, I would say so, but I don’t want to get hung up on just one school and would like to keep my options open. Georgetown has all of the offerings that I want and I absolutely love the school and the campus, but I’d prefer to keep my options open. I also ran the EA gamut and applied to as many schools as possible under Georgetown’s policy. I think my plan is to not 100% commit until I know all of my results (I’ve applied to quite a few RD schools as well…maxed out the Common App already). There are quite a few super-high reaches on my list, and I’d like to see how my results for all those turn out no matter what. DEFINITELY hoping for a Georgetown acceptance soon so I can get rid of a lot of stress and know for sure that I’ll be going somewhere that I’m 100% happy with. Basically what I’m trying to say is that if I’m accepted, there’s a 99% chance I’ll attend, but want to make as informed of a decision as possible.

(This turned into quite the rant lolol)

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I have the same thing!

Interesting… still hoping it means decisions are coming soon, but I’m not sure if it means anything anymore :confused:


Well… I’ve decided to cope with the stress of waiting for a decision to come out by drafting my LOCI to use if I’m deferred. On one hand, I’m definitely hoping that I don’t have to use it, but it’s also a really good LOCI (if I do say so myself). Only one week to go!

We can write a LOCI for Georgetown??

I should do that too, I’m hoping I wont have to use it though
