Hey! I applied to 19 schools because I got a fee waiver from the common app. I already got accepted into Seton Hall Stillman School of Business & Fordham, and I was deferred for Georgetown. I am thinking in majoring in either Business or Poly Sci.
William and Mary, Miami (FL), Wake Forest, Georgetown, George Washington, UChicago, WashU in St.L, Duke, Harvard, Columbia, Cornell, Brown, Penn, Haverford, Tufts, Amherst, & Bates
I have a 4.21 Weighted. I have taken 7 AP’s and 7 Honors classes. My schools does not rank, and I go to a highly reputable private school. My downfall is my ACT score, a 25 (I know very horrible). What I do have is over 500 community service hours tutoring at-risk youth, volunteering at my church, and being a teacher aid for summer long program that teaches at-risk youth the values of education. I am Hispanic that comes from a low-income single parent household. The only reason why I got to private school is through numerous scholarships and financial aid awards because my mother is unemployed. I also was selected to go to a week long program in the summer for future latino leaders. I was also selected to be a senator for Boys State (which I was told is a highly regarded position?). I also have been a Varsity football member for 4 years, winning a state championship and 2 conference championships. I was recruited by most of the Ivies and the NESCAC schools to apply. I was also a varsity runner with a state runner up relay, and 2 time conference relay team.
Im just wondering if I have a chance to get into any of the schools listed here
Sorry to say but a 25 on the ACT pretty much negates you from most of the top tier colleges starting with G-town,UChicago, WashU, Duke, Harard,Cornell,Brown,Penn, and Amherst. All the schools are high-high reaches for you.
Also your UW GPA and class rank maters also.
how about getting some free KHAN Academy tutoring and taking the new SAT? The ACT is about speed, and maybe you are not fast? As an Hispanic student with all of your other accolades, if you can raise your scores; then you can get some amazing opportunities. But do not be discouraged@ Even If you do not raise your scores, you can apply to one of the great test optional schools because these are designed for you–under-represented students: Wake Forest, Wesleyan University, Bowdoin College, then Univeristy of Washington, etc. You won’t do athletics because you have to reach a certain test score for that, but as a regular student, you should get into one of these schools for sure. Good luck!