Georgia Institue of Technology International Reputation.

Hey guys, I wanted to know if Georgia Tech was well regarded internationally, specially in Europe. If I study industrial engineering at Tech (ranked #1 in US) will I have laboral opportunities in Europe, specially London?

GIT is well known outside the US as well…however graduating that school alone won’t get your job.
You need to have great GPA AND engineering experience like CO-op, internship, etc.

How much can you pay per year, btw?

What are your other options, costs, and goals?

Its not about the cost, its about the reputation. My other option is to go to the London School of Economics to study business management.

With a degree from GTech I would assume you’d have more opportunities in the US than in Europe, but it doesn’t mean you’d have no opportunities in Europe. Often, European employers like to see a Master’s degree before hiring youth, so you may be able to get a degree from GTech and follow up with a degree from LSE or another top university in the UK.
There’s the tricky issue of nationality and how David Cameron is going to get himself out of the trap he’s set to himself, but I don’t think it’ll be too bad.

So you have a gigantic amount of money? That’s cool. Goals still matter.
Specifically, where you want to work after graduating (which is dependent on your citizenship status as well).

At GTech, unlike at LSE, you are not locked in to your major and may take quite a few classes outside your major. One of the positives of the American system.