Georgia Tech Deferred applicants thread

@VirginiaBelle If you could point me to a link for the dining changes for next year that would be great. I’d love to pass it along. Hope at last.

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Here you go! Self-operated Solution for Dining Services | News Center


I had a quick question regarding the deferral form.

It is asking whether or not I want to be considered for the summer term and I was wondering what to select.

Generally, I would rather not attend the summer term, but I also do not want to get rejected RD just because I wasn’t willing to attend the summer term.

I am worried, however, that marking both fall and summer terms might make it more likely that they will admit me into the summer term regardless of my qualifications.

Any suggestions?


We’re wondering the same thing. My son was deferred, but he’ll still be in school when GT summer program starts in June.

Any news on when we might hear if we were deferred?

pretty sure we hear back on the decision date itself

by the way did anyone get an email saying their GT account passowrd will expire soon or is it just me?

We both did. Anyone who registered around the same time as us got that email because Tech’s system makes you reset it every few months for security reasons

I am afraid to even ask this question, but does anyone know if a student that was Deferred from EA2 could get waitlisted when Regular Decisions come out? Just trying to determine if that happens, and if so if that is a likely scenario?

FYI: final decision release date is March 13th

My assumption is that any responses available to RD-only applicants are also possible for EA deferred students. (TL;DR yes, I do think it’s possible to be waitlisted)

ooh based thank you

Thank you. I kind of assumed that may be the case. :frowning:

Yes. I know several kids that happened to. Deferred, then waitlisted, then got in off the waitlist to start in the summer.

I think your analysis is correct. More likely to get summer if you check summer. My son decided that he would hate not to get in because he didn’t check summer so he did on his deferral form. He wishes he checked it on the original application as the acceptance rate for those who did was almost 100%. Summer at Tech assuming it is in person which is a big if is supposed to be great!

100%? for deferred applicants. I checked summer, so I really do hope this is true, but it seems a bit unrealistic. How are chances for deferred applicants with good updates and midyear grades?

Where’d you find the 100% stat?

No for EA1 applicants. I think it was 96 percent. Only around 400 people checked it for EA1 according to their application data set.

It was in the application data set linked earlier on this site.

This looks like it includes EA2 also. Was there an option to apply only for summer? Maybe this is those applicants. Sounds like a low number to have checked the box.

No idea but hope odds are good :crossed_fingers:t3: We are in state, my son is a legacy, excellent grades and scores (and midterm grades were the same) and spent lots of time on his essays and thinks they were strong also. In years past I have known several kids to be waitlisted and get in so all hope is not lost. It would be great to get good news on the 13th though!

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It could also be a correlation and not causation. If you start in the summer you aren’t doing anything different from someone in the fall; just getting a headstart. Maybe more qualified applicants choose summer since they are eager to learn. And tech also values interest in the college (for yield) and wanting to start in summer indicates that.